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Sprout stalk....


Mama Doe
Bought one of the big stalks with sprouts on today as I remember someone saying buns can eat the big stalk....so just wondered how big of a chunk of stalk do you give them and how often? thanks :D
aw - it's great news we can feed them this! I had my veg box today and i had a huuuuge stalk with sprouts on. I'll give them a bit tomorrow. :D
My 3 love that big fat stalk - and don't you find the sprouts 'last' better than when you buy them loose?
I've never had a stalk before but this is why i love having veg boxes delivered - we get to have things we wouldnt normally get.

We also had carrots with thier tops on - the bunnies will be having lots of treats this week! :lol::lol:
good luck

Ours love sprouts. When we gave them some stalk they looked us grumpily as if to say 'you don't eat that muck, so why should we! Where are our knobby greens?!' and they determinedly ignored it until we removed it.