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Angel - Very pic heavy


Mama Doe
First pics of Angel in her new home :love:




Disapproving Bunny Pic :lol:




And some of Fidget and Frankie tucking into the Fenugreek Crunchies Fuzzlebug kindly gave them


I'm so glad these photos show how blue her eyes are :)
Here baby boy Gabriel's eyes are like this
she's gorgeous - and fidget is looking good:D:wave:

Haha thanks, considering she was drastically underweight just a few months ago she's a little chunk now :love:

Angel seems to be settling in. She is eating, pooing and weeing fine... eating hay with the force of a steam train :shock: hehe.

She is a bit nervous when I bring her out but will happily take food from my hand (especially if it's a fenugreek crunchie, she can't get them out of my hand quick enough). In her hutch though she seems very bright. Always runs over when i come over and sticks her nose through the bars. She's also been paying with her toys and throwing her food bowl about (found it on the other side of the hutch this morning). I think she is settling in quite well and am starting to see a right little character in her :love:
Haha thanks, considering she was drastically underweight just a few months ago she's a little chunk now :love:

Angel seems to be settling in. She is eating, pooing and weeing fine... eating hay with the force of a steam train :shock: hehe.

She is a bit nervous when I bring her out but will happily take food from my hand (especially if it's a fenugreek crunchie, she can't get them out of my hand quick enough). In her hutch though she seems very bright. Always runs over when i come over and sticks her nose through the bars. She's also been paying with her toys and throwing her food bowl about (found it on the other side of the hutch this morning). I think she is settling in quite well and am starting to see a right little character in her :love:
She is such a fantastic little hay eater! :love:
When she first came she was absolutely PETRIFIED. She has come soooo far and it took me so long for her to come up to me, take food off me etc.
She's come so far as it is, I know with you she's going to be fantastic :D