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Progress? Or Fear??


Young Bun
I have had Reggie for nearly a year. Since I have had him he has hated being picked up and hasn't really tolerated humans at all. In the beginning he was quite aggressive but for the last few months that seems to have subsided. Now when I go to fuss him, instead of going for me, he sinks to the ground and closes his eyes. This could be taken as progress as up until recently, whilst out in the garden he would run away as soon as he saw you coming towards him but now he will carry on as normal when you approach but as soon as you touch him, he sinks to the ground and closes his eyes. Is he happy or is he scared? Any advice on what should I do to from here to progress the trust?
Hmm sometimes buns will push themselves down to the ground as a way of surrendering, Jims does this at the vets so in that respect it could be that he is a little frightened and is trying to be invisible?! :lol: This is only my opinion!!
On the other hand when Jims is getting comfy for a snuggle he will snuggle down and close his eyes then when we snuggle up with him he will gently grind his teeth to let us know that he is happy.
I think it's a sign of submission from what I've read. I think if he was scared he would still run away.
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