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organic alfalfa and fenugreek sprouts

Alfalfa is high in calcium so I wouldn't recommend feeding it to adult rabbits too often. I'm not sure about fenugreek sprouts - I find it really spicy, so I'm surprised they like it. :)

I've tried feeding both the bunnies and the squeakers alfalfa sprouts and neither of them eat it, :rolleyes: which is a shame because it's dead cheap and easy to grow.
Alfalfa is high in calcium so I wouldn't recommend feeding it to adult rabbits too often. I'm not sure about fenugreek sprouts - I find it really spicy, so I'm surprised they like it. :)

I've tried feeding both the bunnies and the squeakers alfalfa sprouts and neither of them eat it, :rolleyes: which is a shame because it's dead cheap and easy to grow.

They nommed the lot!! :shock:Never given it before!!! I spent over £6 in the green grocers on my buns!!:lol::lol:
I spent over £6 in the green grocers on my buns!!:lol::lol:

What??!! Your local health food shop will likely sell alfalfa seed and probably also fenugreek seed quite cheaply. Put a teaspoon (that's all you need) of seed in a large jam jar with enough water to cover, leave for 12-hours, drain and then rinse at least once daily. Just make sure you drain the excess water out really well, else the seedlings go manky. Keep the jam jar on the window ledge so that the sprouts are green and after several days, the sprouts will have filled the jam jar. It's heaps cheaper to grow your own. If you can get broccoli seeds (untreated from a health food shop), you can sprout them as well (however, they do pong of cabbage).

I'm going to buy some unhulled sunflower seeds that are sold for birds and try sprouting them; I'll feed them to my bunnies when the seedlings are several inches long (I'm guessing they'll take about two weeks to grow).
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What??!! Your local health food shop will likely sell alfalfa seed and probably also fenugreek seed quite cheaply. Put a teaspoon (that's all you need) of seed in a large jam jar with enough water to cover, leave for 12-hours, drain and then rinse at least once daily. Just make sure you drain the excess water out really well, else the seedlings go manky. Keep the jam jar on the window ledge so that the sprouts are green and after several days, the sprouts will have filled the jam jar. It's heaps cheaper to grow your own. If you can get broccoli seeds (untreated from a health food shop), you can sprout them as well (however, they do pong of cabbage).

EEk!! Had no idea!!! Mind you,it may have been a one off....I dont go into grocers often...normally a supermarket but I thought the buns taste buds needed stimulating from the norm!!!!:lol::lol:
I spoil my lot and have no sense and no money either!!!! Might think about your tip!!!!