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Warren Veteran
Hi everyone I have a question which hopefully has a simple answer, Jimby tends to be very 'vocal' he grunts a lot e.g. When we take something that he shouldnt be chewing on away from him, when we are getting his food ready, when he is playing sometimes he will lunge and grunt?
We do not know if this is a goid sign or not?!
Lol so he is just playing up its not that he is angry or upset?
He is funny when he grunts cause he looks grumpy, he is full of beans.
It is funny cause one min he will be grunting then the next he will be asking me to snuggle with him and he then gives me loads of kisses on my nose which of cause i recipicate!
Yes Georgie grunts too, she grunts if you take something off her and also when you are trying to give her a raisin and she wants the whole box she grunts trying to grab the box. She doesnt bite though just feels like she is expressing her annoyance lol xx
Lol aww thats good to know, Jimby also grunts when we are giving him his apple pieces cause he wants more and we are taking to long lol they are funny arnt they?! I never thought a bun would grunt it is so sweet x
Yes they are funny it makes me laugh and try to do it quicker so it has the right effect lol i cant get them out of the box before she has tried to run off with the whole pack. (those mini kids boxes)
I am glad you posted too as was wondering what she was up to and begining to think i might have an agressive bun on my hands suddenly but she doesnt bite xx