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Young Bun
i was wondering what others thought about leaving my buns in together overnight. I lost my bun Jelly bean 2 weeks ago to severe dental issues and i adopted Billy a one yr old neutered male to bond with jelly's sister misty. (misty is also neutered) I have had them in together in misty's pen supervised for upto six hours at a time and all the initial humping and chasing has reduced and even when billy does try to hump or chase her she tolerates it really well, no aggression at all. So i was wondering if it was ok to leave them in together unsupervised overnight?
I am no expert at all but can tell you about my experience

My littlest rabbit Lucky died on 5th July and I got a new rabbit Milly to bond with Bitsy her husbun as he looked so sad by himself

I tried them together in the kitchen for a few hours over a couple of days then took the plunge on saturday, cleaned and vinegared the hutch and left them in the run together all day-Bitsy is much bigger than Milly who is only 12 weeks old so it was very nerve racking but they settled down and by night time I didnt want to separate them so left them to it-I kept popping out and can see them from the house

they were fine-I ran out next morning to check and they were ok, they seem much more relaxed now and have been licking each other

good luck with yours and sorry to hear about jelly xx

Misty and Billy are inseparable, i left them together last night and slept in the same room just in case but they were absolutely fine. They are so cute together grooming and snuggling. I'm really glad misty didnt seem to suffer after loosing jelly bean. Thanks everyone for your advice.
Misty and Billy are inseparable, i left them together last night and slept in the same room just in case but they were absolutely fine. They are so cute together grooming and snuggling. I'm really glad misty didnt seem to suffer after loosing jelly bean. Thanks everyone for your advice.

Great news! :thumb: