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Gas - Diet - Pellets - hay??


Mama Doe
Fudge has been getting gas on and off for the past few weeks. Its usually morning and night she gets it and it goes away with a tummy rub.

She has an appointment on Monday with the vet so will talk to him then but im wondering if its diet related!

It started after she ate a whole dandelion for the first time which gave her gas and now has it on and off and this was when she stopped getting veg and started eating hay:?

She is Fed A&P, teaspoon in the morning and at night with Alfalfa king oat hay and burns green oat hay and she eats a little meadow hay.

Now it seems to happen after shes eaten so i think it could be the hay or the A&P which is why i have been changing her to the new mature excel for 5 days with no improvement :?

What could be the cause of her gas?
And what is the cause of gas in bunnies?
Hay doesn't cause gas. It has to be soft fruit (like pear) that contains gas that can cause the gas in your bun.

But the most important thing is, is your bun's diet compose of 90% hay? If he's eating 90% hay, he can't get gas.
Hay doesn't cause gas. It has to be soft fruit (like pear) that contains gas that can cause the gas in your bun.

But the most important thing is, is your bun's diet compose of 90% hay? If he's eating 90% hay, he can't get gas.

Oh yes they can.....................
Her eating is fine,
drinking fine her poo has been smaller than normal and stringy(going through a moult),
she is getting gas in the morning and at night but not alot of gas but i can hear her tummy if im close to her, i have a feel of her tummy and i can feel gas but after a 10min tummy rub shes fine!
She is fine in everyother way!

She was on fibreplex 2 weeks ago and that helped her!