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Happy hutch ?'s


Mama Doe
I am looking at 6ft hutches for the 2 rescue buns I am hoping to get.

Does anyone have a hutch from The Happy Hutch company? Are they any good?
I have a happy hutch 6 foot single layer one it is about 18 months old and the bottom needs to be refixed :oops:

Like all hutches they need to be wood treated every 6 months, all joints benefit from the application of some silicone sealant to help prevent water ingress.
Not sure about the longevity of the hutch as I've not had it that long, but I was super impressed with the customer care. Plus, the hutch is a nice design. Agree with Janice about re-treating the wood and obviously any wooden hutch could use running maintenance.
I brought a run and hutch combo on wednesday from them. My largest double hutch is from them as well. I am very lucky as i live about 15mins from them. The first i got delivered within 4 hrs and i brought the other one home in the car and i got some money off it as he couldnt be bothered changing a £20 note. The trouble is that i like all the hutches there and i cant decide which ones i like. They are also holding a double 4 ft indoor hutch for me. I would perosonaly reccomend them to anyone.