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Digger's bonding.


Alpha Buck
:D Digger is being bonded with a new wiflet today.
So far no fights.
As new bun is a bit of a lunger, i was expecting her to go for him.
She put her head under his, but is keeping her distance on and off.
But because she's such a nosey bunster, she keeps coming back for another look.
They will be kept together till i get back from work tomorrow, then hopefully they can both have a well earned run out in the garden.
How soon can they both go back into Digger's shed together ? If all OK can it be has soon as tomorrow night ?
Awww, im so glad that it seems to be going well, the wee man deserves happiness as he has been through so much lately.
Hope they continue to fall in :love:
:wave: They seem ok with each other,so they are in Dig's large pen that's connected to shed for the night. I hope at some point you will be able to bond your bunster.
I do a number of bondings each year, I always leave it 48 hours before I let them go home to their normal acocomodation