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bringing bunnies inside to bond?

gill shirlaw

Warren Scout

just a bit of advice really, want to bond my rabbits soon and only neutral territory would be my lounge also wanted inside incase need to stay with them couple of nights to make sure theyre okay. Worried if i bring them in for a week or so that they would be too warm inside and then have to go out again into sheds and playhouses in the cold as i know the change of temperature for bunnies not good.

Just not sure how i can do this without bringing them in.

Hope someone can advice
I have been bringing Bitsy and his girlfriend in to bond them-have a pen in the sitting room and it has worked really well for us

I havent had the heating on so has been really cool for them and with being in a confined area they have got on much better

I have laminate flooring so put towels down so it wasnt slippy for them and a box for them to hop in

it has also been nice for the children to get a bit closer to them without being freezing in the garden