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Koopa and Amy photos.


New Kit
Its been ages since I last posted and thought I would update everyone. Koopa and Amy have both been neutered, and Amy has had her teeth burred and is full of life. :D Both have been harness trained and love nothing more that dragging my oh and me around the park. :roll: :D so, heres some photos of da two wee monsters.






They are lovely looking buns.

*whimpers* is the park very secure, I'd be terrified of dogs etc.
We worried alot about the park too to start with, but with some common sense and always being two of us there we have no problems. The park has 4 main enterances, and we can see all 4 when were walking them. I can see the park from my flat, and if the place is empty of dogs we take them down. Most of the dog owners that come there know we walk the rabbits, and put the dogs on a leash if they see us if they arent already on one, and keep to the other side of the park. If any dog comes into the park not on a lead, the rabbits get picked up til dog leaves or we just take them home, which is 2 seconds away as park is right behind our flat. The rabbits love getting out and love to show of to the people who come and talk to them. :D