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Available Rescue: Pair of lionhead girls


Warren Veteran
These two girlies have been in rescue too long! They are absolute sweethearts but sadly overlooked :( They were going to be put down due to teeth problems as a result of a poor diet but Jane Dexter took them in and gave them a second chance. Laura has had no problems with her teeth since her initial burr (they have been with us 5months now and had bi-monthly checks) and Kirsty, although her teeth are not great, is holding her own and has had to have no further treatment either. They love their hay and as long as they are kept on a good diet and have their bi-annual check ups we are hopeful they won't have any more problems. Is there anyone who would like to give them a chance and give them their very own forever home? They are young, friendly and completely devoted to each other. :D

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:wave: Hello you two!
Kirsty and Laura are LOVELY girls ... have had the honour of meeting them :) Here's hoping they find a forever home of their own really soon x
They're gorgeous, just worry that girls would unsettle the group :( I do hope someone can help them...