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Help needed!! Rabbit wee - is this blood?? *pics* UPDATE


Wise Old Thumper
Hiya all.. just been out to the check on the buns and seen this in the run:



Is this blood?? Im so worried :( They havent eaten anything different and they seem ok in themselves. Theres nothing else in the cage like it. George uses a litter tray so dont think its him, id say it was lottie as shes not too good with the litter tray. Please help :cry:
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mmm- I often find stuff like this in my runs but its only when they have eaten apple twigs or carrots or something else with the pigmentation. The 'ring' quality of the pink bit looks odd.
:( Hope theyre going to be ok. Theyve had an apple from the tree today (very tiny) it fell off when i shut the lid... maybe it could be this :?
things that make their wee red/orange are carrots, beetroot, rose leaves(esp red rose leaves). apples don't usually affect mine.

If no definite replies on here then I would get it checked by vet.

Hopefully someone can give you a definite yes or no. I would have thought it would be all bright red with blood... but maybe blood in urine is different to blood from cut leg etc?

Blood in urine(if it was) can be a sign of cystitis or even uterine problems. Don't wait too long to find out.

If you get no replies try pm-ing some of the older members but do think about vets tomorrow if no replies on here tonight.-Sue
Is Lottie eating and behaving normally? Is her body language just the same? If so it'slike just to be something that she's eaten. Have you found any more, or turned her up to see if there's any unusual staining on her coat? If she seems to be acting normally to you then I'd assume that she's eaten something different when your back was turned. If you are still worried tomorrow then take her for a vet check. Buns, eh? Who'd have thought such wee creatures could cause the stress and anxiety they do!!:D
Is Lottie eating and behaving normally? Is her body language just the same? If so it'slike just to be something that she's eaten. Have you found any more, or turned her up to see if there's any unusual staining on her coat? If she seems to be acting normally to you then I'd assume that she's eaten something different when your back was turned. If you are still worried tomorrow then take her for a vet check. Buns, eh? Who'd have thought such wee creatures could cause the stress and anxiety they do!!:D

Yep shes eating fine, and just lying around (which is nothing unusual for her - lazy bun!) ive turned her onto her back and shes fine underneath - no evidence of anything.

She hasnt eaten any beetroot or carrot today, i only feed either in small amounts as a treat. <thinks> i really cant think what it could be :(

Think i may get her booked in tomorrow for a quick check with the vet :( Poor thing
Is she on grass? If so, she could have found a dandelion plant? That can make the urine red as well.
Should have clarified - apple does not do this but apple bark does (I often give whole branches as have access to large tree 'prunings'.
:( they apple tree is next to the run, and george has been known to pull branches down before (the tree is small - only had it last year) <sighs>

Think i may take them to the vet tomorrow just to be safe :(
I have *read* that blood in the urine looks like normal urine, with a bit of blood within it - not like all of the urine is red. thats just something i read in a book thought not my personal experience....hope theyre ok. x x
your bun is busy eating exotic plants, like weeds. I have the same thing this evening as I let those 2 go outside. Whenever you get that orange reddish color, it's urine caused by exotic weed.
just to let you all know i took George and lottie to the vets today just to be on the safe side, he checked them both over for me, and said theyre both in great condition :) I mentioned about their wee... he said its quite common for bunnies wee to look like this after being on grass because they find the smallest of weeds and eat them :? He assured me it was somewhat normal :? ( i took the camera with piccys on :oops: )

At least theyre both ok :) xXx