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giants with normal rabbits


Warren Scout
Hi does anyone on here keep a giant breed with normal size rabbits. Or is this not advisable. I would love a giant but i have two normal dutch size rabbits they are house rabbits with range access to garden and at night they have a carpeted and adapted garage for there use. they also have cat flaps to have free access to garden in the daytime. So i have the space, my only concerns are the size difference. I have bonded rabits before and know how they can be a little rough alto i do foster and Mr pips is a very sociable rabbit.

any thoughts please welcome
I keep a Continental giant with a dutch and a mini rex... they get on brilliantly and bonding was fine, but this is down to them all being placid bunnies... so I'd say it's fine to keep giants with smaller breeds, but you have to take extra care when bonding and for the first couple of weeks :)

I keep a Continental giant with a dutch and a mini rex... they get on brilliantly and bonding was fine, but this is down to them all being placid bunnies... so I'd say it's fine to keep giants with smaller breeds, but you have to take extra care when bonding and for the first couple of weeks :)


What an ace picture!!
:wave: Hi, I have a giant and a smaller bunny bonded - they love each other and the size doesn't make any difference - in fact it worked in my favour as my smaller bun Nushka used to be a bit of a bully and Bungle's size daunted the little madam and made bonding easy :lol::lol:

Bungle has a completely different temperament to my other bunnies, he soft gentle and friendly - but also a bit of a nutter, has no concept of litter training and likes to spray me with wee every now and again :lol::lol:

OH how wonderful these pics are - I reallly want a giant maybe now i can convince my hubby ;)

Thanks everyone for replies xxx