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litter training


Young Bun
hello. i have put a cat litter tray in, and she seems to pop anywhere she wants to in the cage, but poop isnt my worry, as its hard and easy to clean.

She urinates on trhe edge of the cage, so it pasts the tray and onto the floor! i then have to clean it up, because i cannot move the ltter tray any more backward. what can i do?

i have put it in the palce she used to urinate, only she just doesnt do it in the tray itself, somehow (i dont know how!) she leaks onto the edge of the cage and it starts to trickle under the tray.:shock:

any help?
oh no! bless her! some buns really back up into the corner and end up missing the tray totally! could you invest in a high backed litter tray? i'll try and find a link....
how big is her cage? she needs a 2x4 cage really, and either a high-backed litter tray or an underbed storage box will keep the wee in, as they do back up.
how big is her cage? she needs a 2x4 cage really, and either a high-backed litter tray or an underbed storage box will keep the wee in, as they do back up.

its a 45 x 50 x 100cm cage, but has a plastic house in it, two feeding bowls etc. i guess it would be ok, because she can come out for a bit for excercise, and all she does in there would be to sleep, eat, drink and spend some of her time. here it is: