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Get a 4th bun or bond existing buns?


Young Bun
:wave: Our first pair of rabbits (both females) get on really well as they were together in PaH. We bought a third one a month later, but she doesn't get on with the other two. :( They chase her and she gets really frightened as soon as they approach her in the garden. The dominant one is much more aggressive.

They live next door to each other and can see one another through the runs and there seem to be no problems, only when they are out and about. :roll:

It has been almost 2 years now since the 3rd one has been alone. Just wondering if it would be worth getting her a friend? My only concern is that she won't get on with the new one as she is used to being on her own. I can't help but think she is miserable even though i give her as much attention as possible. It upsets me.

Should i just try harder with the bonding or get a 4th bun? I don't really have anywhere "neutral" for them to bond.

Sorry if that was long winded :oops: Any help would be great!

P.S They have all been neutered
You could try seeing if your local rescue has any male buns available.They would also bond for you:D
yup try that but be prepared.we had a bonded pair..got a third but the little doe made her life hell even wigth a cage between them.....we got a fourth bun from the rescue and figured out twos company threes a crowd..fours perfect.
i tried bonding as a group but now the bullied doe has become as much as a bully as our litle doe and they both fight without regard...i have to keep them seperate.....the bonding failed after two weks of living as a foursome happily.
now after many upsets illnesses etc etc i have bonded the two rescue little buns...and my big buns have been togehter since the foursome bonding..odd thing is since the little ones have bonded..the does seem to have called a truce..just sniffing thru the bars and now the frnehcies aren bothered and dont keep trying to get at the cage...but overnite i still oen that area off to be sure.

dont lose heart..some buns never bond with other buns..like our first bun..shed have killed another bun..she thought she was a cat..and they were her companions....its not unusual saldy to get a pig headed bunny!
good luck.