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Housing question


Warren Scout
I am now the proud owner of 2 baby lionhead girls, Talulah and Lola.
I have a hutch which used to house a previous pet, but it is too small for two rabbits and I have been trawling the net for ideas.
Basically I want a double hutch, at least 5 ft long and deep.
During the day the rabbits go in a run in the garden with small house in it and just use the hutch at night but I suppose that in the winter they will spend more time in the hutch so is it better to have a run attached to the hutch?
I looked into buying 'Thistle Hall' from pets at home but it does not get good reviews.
Can anyone recommend anything. Budget is around £170...
Is the 'rabbithutchwarehouse' good?
Thanks for any advice...
I prefer a run attached to the hutch so that they can choose whether they want to go out of not.

I don't have any experience of the company you mention but I have used this one before and is adequate for the price:

www.happyhutch.co.uk (they also have an ebay shop where things are a bit cheaper - also come flat packed!)


www.rehutches.com (some people on have these and they look very good quality but you pay for that as these are pricier and come premade!)

Some people like Thistle Hall :)


Some people really like it :lol:


There seem to be a lot of Thistle Hall type hutches on ebay right now, like this one (and a lot cheaper than P@H):
but I don't know the seller, so can't say if they are good or not.

My hutch is a thistle hall type thing and I quite like it, had to protect all the corners with metal from the buns eating them however :lol: