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Arthur & Dylan


Mama Doe
Arthur came back home on Saturday after I'd given him up due to his aggressive behaviour. However, I couldn't live with that decision so I asked for him back and Caroline from the rescue agreed. His ear is healing slowly after the horrendous fight he had during the failed bonding and he seems really happy to be home. I am shocked how fat he has become in 2 weeks but I guess its because he was kept in a hutch with no run at the rescue so no exercise. Anyway here are a few photos of him back home and some of the lovely Dylan aswell :love:

The full extent of Arthur's ear damage. Such a shame, my vet wouldn't stitch it and I don't think Carolines would either as it doesn't look stitched, its healed though and theres no infection which is something.

Proud as ever

He is much more laid back at home now, I think he finally realises we won't hurt him and he is loved.

He has met Dylan and they seem fine with each other through the divide which is all we wanted. This photo shows how small Dylan is as Arthur is a mini lop.

Finally the lovely little Dylan, affectionately known as Scribble! :lol:
aww I know :lol: he is acting like a completely different bunny. He even seeks our attention now. Earlier he gatecrashed the house by jumping over the little guard I have :lol: he wanted nose rubs and then hopped off again.