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Baz n Jaz

New Kit
Proud mom of 4 year old Basil (black and white dutch) and new little 8 week old Jasmine (blue and white dutch). Great to find you all.

Poor little Basil (not so little, needs to lose weight) has a chest infection that the vet thinks new little Jazzy might be a carrier which is why she isn't sick.

Basil just isn't himself :( I think he's feeling a bit miffed about our new addition as well.

Jasmine is adorable but very different from when we brought Basil home at the same age. She is very skiddish, but seems a happy skiddish which is good. But simply will not pee in one place in her cage. In fact, the only place she doesn't go is her litter tray! I keep moving the tray to places she's peed in her cage, but she's having none of it. Silly little miss. I'm hoping this is just her age and it will get better?
:wave::wave: hi!

when my boy was teeny, he peed in every corner going but he soon settled on one place and i'm sure jasmine will find her feet when she's more settled.

hoping Basil feels better asap!
Welcome to the forum.

I'm sure your little girl will get better soon. I think girls are harder to litter train than boys.
Hi Baz n Jaz welcome,just saw your post!Hope Basil is feeling a bit better.If he is used to being the number one try not to give Jasmine too much attention more than him.It may take him a wee while maybe to accept her.Has Basil been neutered cos if he gets near Jasmine he may chance his luck even if she is only a baby.All the best.:wave: