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Does Vetbed reduce noise from thumping?


New Kit
We have had many disurbed nights recently from our two rabbits thumping in their outside hutch. We go out to them to see what is frightening them but cannot see any obvious reason. Can anyone offer any suggestions to reduce this so we can get a better night's sleep?

We did think about Vetbed - not sure whether anyone who uses this at the moment thinks it might reduce the noise they make if they do thump. Any thoughts?

Many thanks

Vicky - a very tired bunny owner! :(
afraid that you really have to address whats making them thump rather than try and muffle it. When they are afraid or upset enough to thump then they are also producing 'adrenelin' equivalent, which if they produce it time after time, night after night, will end up with them having stassis.

Have you considered you might have a neighbours cat or a fox hanging round?
Do they have a cover on their hutch? Perhaps this would help them feel more secure and protected provided there is no other obvious reason why they are distressed.

Hope you find the answer to their thumping soon :)
Thanks for your responses - yes they have a night shutter on their top level. Their bottom floor has a run in front of it and the mesh door out to the run is closed at night - so very secure for them. Occasionally they thump in the day and usually it is caused by a cat or a large bird but at night there never seems to be anything in the garden which could be bothering them. Not sure what else we can do except try and muffle it - just worried the neighbours may start moaning soon!

mice?? They can sometimes get in through mesh and some rabbits are petrified of them. Teasal won't come in the house if the cat has brought a (live) mouse is - and he's a house rabbit!
We've suffered this problem before too, Its a nightmare! I think your best bet is not going out to them at all (All it takes is one night if a cat or something scares them and they thump, and you go out..they'll think ooh Mum came to see me last night, wonder if she will tonight - start stamping!) I find a quick sharp SHH Rhia out the window quite effective ;) Also, its surprising but your neighbours will most probably not know that the big noises are coming from the hutch! Mine didnt & I just played the 'OOh yes I heard that too' card :lol: X