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Update on the woodshaving eating bunny! U/D Another Problem!


Warren Scout
I've taken out the woodshaving apart from in his wee corners, and surrounded him in hay and he's been sat nibbling at for ages now!
He's no longer a woodshaving eating bunny!

Thanks to everyone that helped me! I really appreciate it!
:D :D
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yaaay - I bet he does too :lol: personally I don't fancy eating hay or wood, but bunnies are strange creatures :D
I don't see the facination myself but they seem to like it! :lol:

I went to p@h today and completely spoilt him, he's got allsorts of treats and toys but he's decided to stay in his hutch and eat some hay!

A happy bunny means a happy owner!

He's been doing so well but I've just cleaned him out today and I've changed the woodshavings to carefresh just for his wee corners and he's been eating that now!

What should I do? He just eats everything I put in there. Is there anything edible that I can use as litter?
