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That lounging lagomorph called Lucius again


Alpha Buck
Lucius believes that lounging around on the sofa is a very serious business.:lol: :lol:



He's not dead - he always lies like this:lol:
i LOVE lucius i actuly really want him :lol:

im sure midnight would think he would make a good husbun

At present he is very good friends with Bigwig ( who is his Great Uncle ), but they are both on the lookout for a stunning young doe to join them. perhaps Midnight fancies a change of scenery:lol: :lol:

I have had a slight change of plan with the buns. Its rather long, convoluted story,but to put it in a nutshell I am now looking for a doe to join the 2 Frenchmen and will look at getting another buck at a later date.