Hello and sorry I'm a bit late to this thread. I kind of feel the guilty one here as I had suggested a hus-bun for Fifi.
I am plased that you have got Christopher and that you have a bond between Fifi and Christopher. Although I am also saddened that things have not gone as smoothly as you would be wishing right now. I wish I had some answers to help you with the problems you are having. All I can offer you is some thoughts.
I'm still only about 4 weeks into my bond with Flo and Leo and the first few days were an absolute poop-a-rama in the kitchen/diner. And most mornings I still find some sticky poop bomb left in the middle of the floor. By and large both Flo and Leo are pretty good with their toilet - Flo even comes in from the garden to go to the toilet area but during the night, they both feel it's fair game to place little bum mines all over the floor. It's getting better but I know how you feel.
Diet wise, perhaps you could look at something called Pro-fibre which is something I give both bunnies every day. It helps maintain gut movement by giving them additional fibre that some pellets don't. I also use slecet for Flo and Leo and the combination tends to work.
I fully appreciate your worries about fly strike as we approach the warmer weather so I hope that you can resolve the gut and poop problems quickly.
It may also be just some settling in by Christoher - without knowing how they were bonded, one or both might be still stressed in some way from the process. Stress could be causing the abnormal poop issues. Christopher is also going through alot of emotional changes from where he was to where he is now. He has to find a way to adjust to things and it will take him some time. It will also take time for Fifi to adjust to the new friendship as her life has now changed dramatically.
Christopher might be kicking because it's his natural defence. Some bunnies react like this and hopefully as he begins to settle and get used to being stroked and comfoted by you. he will reduce his reactions.
Our new bun Flo was a boxer to begin with but working intensely with her over the time she has been here, she has reduced the boxing and is now beginning to settle. She still has the occasional boxing reaction - which I think is just her defence mechanism. We were talking about her just a few hours ago and how Flo is still quite nervous at times when she is around us. She doesn't present as relaxed as Leo is but it's only been 7 weeks and we don't know what memories she is harbouring from her past. The main thing is, and something you also indicated, is that the friendship is for the bunnies, not for us.
As Christpher and Fifi develop their friendship and move forward, I hope that their journey together grown strong with their love and also supported by the endless patience and love that you give them.
Owning rabbits is never easy - it has it's ups and downs. Just when we think we have something something else pops up just to keep us on our toes.
Can't wait for the photos of Christopher and Fifi.
Craig xx
Craig, you are an angel from heaven! Thank you so much for your help [emoji169]
Firstly, OMG! - DON'T feel remotely guilty! Fifi is a different bunny since she and Christopher Robin got together. The same is true of Christopher Robin, who was a lonely, frustrated home wrecker until he came to us. Seeing them grooming, snuggling and playing together is an absolute joy that isn't getting old no matter how often I see it. Fifi has never played with toys or chewed anything, now she does both. She's displaying all sorts of behaviours that I've never seen.
I gave the science selective this morning, and things are DEFINITELY better today. An 80% improvement I would say, and no puddles AT ALL!!!! I am delighted!
I'm going to order the pro fibre.
Reading what you've written about the bonding, it all being so new, the upheaval and stress on the buns, I realise I really didn't take the implications of all of this into account.
Christopher Robin loves being stroked and snuggled, I can lay on the floor next to him and kiss and stroke him for as long as I like, it's just the picking up that's kind of impossible, but it's good to hear that this can improve, as it has with your Flo.
I hope that she and Leo will be very happy together for many years. ( she is gorgeous by the way, beautiful colours and markings).
Thank you again Craig, I really appreciate your time and care [emoji173]
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