Sawdust or straw?


Warren Scout
I've always used newspaper and sawdust on the floor of Molly's cage but I've noticed a few fleeting comments about sawdust & just wondering if I should do away with it and lay straw down instead?
I use layer of newspaper then Megazorb in the corners, then Aubiose (chopped hemp) with shredded paper then hay. It's a bit OTT! Not saying you need all of those but I do not think straw on paper would absorb much.
Sawdust can cause respiratory problems and if they eat the straw which has no nutritional value, they won't eat as much hay, so I use newspaper and hay which works well for me. A lot of people like Fitch or Aubiose.
Sawdust can cause respiratory problems and if they eat the straw which has no nutritional value, they won't eat as much hay, so I use newspaper and hay which works well for me. A lot of people like Fitch or Aubiose.

^ This.

There is a lot of info on the forum about the dangers of sawdust. I use newspaper and hay, too, as there is no nutritional value in straw.
Just out Molly in her cage so I can Hoover and she's on her element having hay everywhere. Normally when I clean her cage she will go in and push the sawdust around but she's just lying munching away now :lol:
I use rubber floor for the shed floor, then in their litter trays I use wood pellet cat litter, with the hay in racks above the litter trays. Then I use vetbed for their cosy bed area.
I used to use aubiose but now use easibed - half the price, far less dusty (I used to have to wear a mask) and gets less smelly. Then a nice thick layer of hay on top :love:
I used to use newspaper, sawdust (wood chips), straw and hay!!! It cost me a fortune and the rabbits used pretty much the whole hutch as their toilet so cleaning took ages. I'm so glad I found this forum and learnt the better way! Now I only use newspaper, a layer of wood pellet cat litter topped with hay in their litter trays, with their hay racks over the litter trays. I use straw in their bed areas as I think it helps them distinguish between the toilet and the bed! It's much cheaper and clean out is much quicker and it's healthier for the bunnies :D
I also use wood shavings in my hutch I don't have the space to store megazorb because it comes in such big bags . I have Lino on the floor then paper and shavings. Do you think it would be warm enough without the shavings ? I thought because they eat hay in litter box they might get confused if I spread it everywhere
I also use wood shavings in my hutch I don't have the space to store megazorb because it comes in such big bags . I have Lino on the floor then paper and shavings. Do you think it would be warm enough without the shavings ? I thought because they eat hay in litter box they might get confused if I spread it everywhere

If you've got lino I wouldn't bother with shavings, they're messy as hell! My hutch and shed have lino and although I give them small blankets on the floor they just dig them up and push them into the corner.

It would be a lot easier to clean them out if hay is just in litter trays/hay racks :)
I have nothing on floor (just lino) then in litter trays I have megazorb and hay. then around the litter trays I have dust extracting shavings - cos tia is a little madam and wees NEXT to the litter trays!
Lino on hutch and shed floors and newspaper and hay in their litter trays (one underbed storage box per rabbit). Works a treat. Planning to get hayracks too.
I know everyone has already said it should be ok, but I think most of you have sheds.

Just want to clarify. At the moment I have a two tier hutch for my 2 buns. I am hoping to convince my parents to give me more space to have a run permanently attached .
But i was wondering if just having lino on the floor of the hutch is enough. I worry about them getting too cold. upstairs they do have the bed area which is full with straw but the rest i line with paper and wood shavings.

They are naughty with not always using their litter tray and it would be nice to see if the wood shavings are taken away they would use litter tray more.
Someone once suggested that they might not be able tell the difference underfoot between wood shavings and their litter.

I do just worry mainly that this time of year they would get too cold without wood shavings
I have a hutch with lino too, but it's still the same as it is with my shed.

I don't think rabbits worry about the things we do, if they were cold you could probably tell. (Spending long periods on mats/litter trays).

The problems Poppy has had with her chest because of shavings (dust extracted..) I wouldn't touch them again, there are loads of different alternatives aside from them that are much better. I can't imagine shavings would be much warmer than lino tbh.

This is older but you can see the lino and the mat she has, but 9/10 she lies on the lino in all weather. And she has access to the run so the mat is at the front of the hutch rather than the corner.