• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

New Variant RVHD- Known as 'RVHD2' U/D 16th December 2024

Yet again rumours are circulating on Social Media that there may be no point in vaccinating against RHD2 (Filivac/Eravac) as VACCINATED Rabbits are still succumbing to RHD2. I am not a qualified Veterinary Professional, BUT, many of these losses have been Breeder Rabbits. Many Breeders are obtaining bulk supplies of either Filavac or Eravac and Vaccinating their 'stock' themselves. There are a few potential problems with this : 1- A full Veterinary Health Check prior to vaccination may not have been carried out- a sick Rabbit/Rabbit incubating illness is unlikely to develop a full immune response to the vaccine. 2- The vaccine needs to be kept refrigerated, if it is not kept at the appropriate temperature during transit/storage it may be rendered ineffective.

So, if you read any accounts of 'multiple vaccine failures' please do not let this stop you from vaccinating your Rabbits against RHD2 ( and Myxo/RHD1 via Nobivac) Vaccination is the ONLY weapon we have to try to protect out Pet Rabbits from what is a highly virulent and highly fatal disease.
We could not agree more.
Trust me if you don’t vaccinate you will deeply regret it.
When we spoke with our vet last year we were informed as we had an enclosed garden we would be very low risk and most likely wouldn’t benefit unless there was an outbreak in the local area. We were also advised there was speculation about over vaccination which given the current evidence thus is wrong as the vaccine is certainly safer than no vaccine.
We regret to say we never kept up to date with the RHD2 outbreak and totally underestimated how virulent and deadly it was.
Two of ours were house-bunnies (with day trips to the garden) and two lived outside.
In three days we lost three of our bunnies to suspected RHD2. Symptoms all varied.

No rabbit is safe. Don’t make the same mistake as we did and vaccinate before it is too late.
There has been an unconfirmed case of 3 deaths of Rabbits bought from Pets at Home in St Helens WA9 1JF

''Edit : third rabbit died during the night, so all three died within 72 hours

Adopted three brothers from pets at home St Helens 13 days ago. All three went for mxmy and rvd 1 jabs on Friday. One died during the night on Saturday and the second passed at this evening. Vet said first one probably has virus so other two will have it. Will call vets tomorrow regarding second rabbit. Hoping the third doesn't have it but highly unlikely 😢

Edit : we will also be contacting the store and the council



I know I keep going on about it, but please make sure you vaccinate your Rabbits. The virus is still rife and will remain so, I fear :cry:
dear jack,s-jane,-just received an email from dvm-long island/new York city-usa.--important update:COVID-19 & RHDV2-[rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus type 2]-their email address is http://office@birdexoticsvet.com/contact -516-482-1101, they lost eleven rabbits -,-i-donot know if this virus is still mutating.-canine virus is called[parvo],feline[panaloupenia]-from this virus we get coronavirus.--a vaccine has been developed,and is now being tested for this dreaded coronavirus,-next will be production of the vaccine,then distribution.-stay healthy,-sincerely james waller from ground zero,kent wa.st-usa
dear jack,s-jane,-just received an email from dvm-long island/new York city-usa.--important update:COVID-19 & RHDV2-[rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus type 2]-their email address is http://office@birdexoticsvet.com/contact -516-482-1101, they lost eleven rabbits -,-i-donot know if this virus is still mutating.-canine virus is called[parvo],feline[panaloupenia]-from this virus we get coronavirus.--a vaccine has been developed,and is now being tested for this dreaded coronavirus,-next will be production of the vaccine,then distribution.-stay healthy,-sincerely james waller from ground zero,kent wa.st-usa

Thanks for passing on that info James. Viruses of all kinds can be extremely skilled at mutating to beat any weapons we humans may come up with to try to destroy them. You stay safe too James xx
A reminder about the importance of vaccination from the RWAF's Facebook Page :

''To all rabbit owners - Please vaccinate your rabbits.
We have had several rabbit owners contact us this week having lost unvaccinated rabbits to RVHD2. If they had known, they would have vaccinated them. Rabbits are dying. RVHD2 is everywhere in the UK. People still do not know about this disease and the vaccinations that are available. One of the hardest things to do is to reach rabbit owners who do not already engage with a page like ours, but you can help with that. So please, please can you share this and help spread the word?
There is a new triple vaccine out now, so your vet might offer you that instead.''


It would appear that there have been numerous losses to RHD2 in recent weeks. Areas particularly effected are Dorset, Norfolk and Halifax. But the virus remains active nationwide. Vaccination is essential in order to offer your Rabbits the best protection against this invisible killer. Please, please make sure that your Rabbits Vaccinations are up to date.
Bunny reaction to vaccination

My rabbit had the new 3 in 1 vaccination at about 6 months old. He developed myxomatosis symptoms, high temperature and swollen ears. He scratched his ears to bits. He was given anti inflammatory by the vet and came through it. I don’t want not vaccinate him next year, but also don’t want to make him sick. Any advice please?
My rabbit had the new 3 in 1 vaccination at about 6 months old. He developed myxomatosis symptoms, high temperature and swollen ears. He scratched his ears to bits. He was given anti inflammatory by the vet and came through it. I don’t want not vaccinate him next year, but also don’t want to make him sick. Any advice please?

Your Vet is the best person to advise you. He/she can obtain advice from the Vaccine manufacturers Veterinary Advisor. Just because your Rabbit had an adverse reaction this time it does not necessarily mean he will next time. I am glad he made a good recovery.
It appears to be the case that in recent weeks there has been a significant rise in deaths from RHD, including some vaccinated Rabbits

Two things come to mind- are all Vets complying with the switch over protocol now the Nobivac Myxo RHD Plus Vaccine is in use


and has the fact that when the first Lock Down occurred due to Covid many Vets suspended doing Rabbit Vaccinations, as advised by the RCVS.

ETA - Numerous reports of more sudden deaths today on various FB groups :cry: If you are on FB I would advise joining this group

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For anyone interested the RWAF have been notified of this situation. One Rescue has lost 12 Vaccinated Rabbits, awaiting PM results :(
For anyone interested the RWAF have been notified of this situation. One Rescue has lost 12 Vaccinated Rabbits, awaiting PM results :(
That is very upsetting news.
Do we know if this was the "New" triple vaccine, or the original single one?
Could this just be a bad batch of vaccine, or is it likely the RHD2 virus has mutated and the vaccine doesn't work?

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Should we be worried? All of mine are now vaccinated with the new triple one :(

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Should we be worried? All of mine are now vaccinated with the new triple one :(

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I think it is a situation that needs to be monitored very closely. I have contacted Richard Saunders via the RWAF to seek his advice.

‘’ Would it be possible to have some advice from Richard Saunders regarding the fact that there have been a significant amount of reports of RHD deaths in Vaccinated Rabbits. I am a member of a Facebook Group that has been tracking the RHD situation since the emergence of the new variant RHD2 . I have suggested people post details of the exact date of vaccination, batch number, date of death. The trouble is I doubt much credence will be given to any statistics gathered unless every suspected RHD death is confirmed by PM. Sadly it appears that so far this rarely happens, cause of death being assumed due to clinical presentation and number of Rabbits lost.

My thoughts are could some Vets be unaware of the switching to the Nobivac Myxo RHD Plus Vaccine protocol ?

Could delays in booster vaccinations due to Covid Lock Down restrictions play a part ?

Or worse could there be a further mutation in the virus that can get around any immunity achieved by Vaccination ? But I am no virologist and certainly not overly intelligent. I am just a concerned Rabbit care giver.

It would be greatly appreciated if Richard could suggest how statistics could be gathered and submitted. And would having PMs done be an essential part of gathering evidence.’’
I think it is a situation that needs to be monitored very closely. I have contacted Richard Saunders via the RWAF to seek his advice.

‘’ Would it be possible to have some advice from Richard Saunders regarding the fact that there have been a significant amount of reports of RHD deaths in Vaccinated Rabbits. I am a member of a Facebook Group that has been tracking the RHD situation since the emergence of the new variant RHD2 . I have suggested people post details of the exact date of vaccination, batch number, date of death. The trouble is I doubt much credence will be given to any statistics gathered unless every suspected RHD death is confirmed by PM. Sadly it appears that so far this rarely happens, cause of death being assumed due to clinical presentation and number of Rabbits lost.

My thoughts are could some Vets be unaware of the switching to the Nobivac Myxo RHD Plus Vaccine protocol ?

Could delays in booster vaccinations due to Covid Lock Down restrictions play a part ?

Or worse could there be a further mutation in the virus that can get around any immunity achieved by Vaccination ? But I am no virologist and certainly not overly intelligent. I am just a concerned Rabbit care giver.

It would be greatly appreciated if Richard could suggest how statistics could be gathered and submitted. And would having PMs done be an essential part of gathering evidence.’’
Thanks Jane, yes would be good to know his thoughts. So worrying. I'm wondering if the lockdown/people losing jobs/less income is a factor.. Obviously Idk who's lost buns, but obviously in this situation vets haven't always been available, for vaccinating and also people may not have kept up with vaccinations.. But if they're vaccinated with the new vac then this is very worrying. Without a pm though I suppose it could be something else.

I know it won't be a problem for most people, but I'm not sure I can take another deadly virus mutation, that might get the rabbits, on top of everything else :(

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Thanks Jane, yes would be good to know his thoughts. So worrying. I'm wondering if the lockdown/people losing jobs/less income is a factor.. Obviously Idk who's lost buns, but obviously in this situation vets haven't always been available, for vaccinating and also people may not have kept up with vaccinations.. But if they're vaccinated with the new vac then this is very worrying. Without a pm though I suppose it could be something else.

I know it won't be a problem for most people, but I'm not sure I can take another deadly virus mutation, that might get the rabbits, on top of everything else :(

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If it were ‘just’ 3 or 4 Rabbits, it’d be different. But people are losing 6-10 Rabbits at a time. As I said, one Rescue in Cornwall has just lost 12, PMs being done :cry:
If it were ‘just’ 3 or 4 Rabbits, it’d be different. But people are losing 6-10 Rabbits at a time. As I said, one Rescue in Cornwall has just lost 12, PMs being done :cry:

Yea that doesn't seem right, and I'm assuming all the rescue buns were vaccinated :(

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