• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

New Variant RVHD- Known as 'RVHD2' U/D 16th December 2024

Sorry, I am a bit confused.

The Nobivac Myxo-RHD Vaccine is the only 'combined' vaccine BUT it only covers for RHD1 NOT RHD2


So a second separate vaccine is needed, either Filavac https://www.harcourt-brown.co.uk/media/documents/filavac.doc

or Eravac https://www.harcourt-brown.co.uk/media/documents/eravac-uk-datasheet-0.pdf

How is your remaining Rabbit today ?
Willow is absolutely fine at the moment, doesn't seem phased at all. I'm definitely getting her vaccinated against the second strain next week.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
I am so sorry for the loss of Trevor and cannot imagine the worry you are experiencing for his sister.
While I cannot give you any advice, I wanted to give you my sincere condolences and send lots of positive vibes for you, your family, and your remaining bunny.
Even though your bunny is a house bunny, you may want to contain her to a smaller area in a puppy pen while you deal with this issue.
Thank you.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
Willow is absolutely fine at the moment, doesn't seem phased at all. I'm definitely getting her vaccinated against the second strain next week.

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

That's good knews and I really hope she will continue to do so x
Hi everyone
I am new to this forum and have found it due to a very sad experience with my granddaughter's 15 week old Lionhead bunny. We bought him and his sister 7 weeks ago as house bunnies and they have been well cared for and loved. They are indoor bunnies. Late last night when my dg went to top up their hay etc she noticed Trevor was not his usual self, very quiet and not interested in his pellets, which he normally gets excited for. He was still eating when we offered him hay and veggies from our hands, so we planned to take him to the vets first thing this morning. We settled him in my dg room on his own so we would know if he was pooping. At 6 30 am my dg heard him moving around, by 7.30 he was gone. We are devastated. He's had a PM this morning, his liver and lungs suggest it was RVHD, but we won't know for sure until his samples are tested. Our vet says he may have been carrying the disease when we got him, I'm not sure how likely that is. We're worried sick about his sister now. They were both only vaccinated on Wednesday, I'm wondering if this would have happened if I'd had it done sooner. I thought indoor bunnies were safe, but when I checked at the vets when we were discussing neutering, I was told that isn't the case, so I had them done then. I feel so guilty and don't know if the vaccine will protect Willow if she's already been exposed. She can have the RVHD2 vaccine next week, but this now seems like a death sentence for her. Any advice would be appreciated. Apologies for the lengthy post.

Hi Julie (my name too)

I'm going through exactly the same thing.

My boys were 14 weeks old, I'd had them 3 days, both well and fine then Timmy went quiet, not moving, not eating unless we fed him from our hand and just generally not his usual happy self. We took him to the vet and he had 3 injections which seemed to perk him up a tiny bit and he ate a little the next night but still sat still. We then had to syringe feed him. By Thursday morning he couldn't stand up, was very weak. We rushed him to the vet at 8am, he was jaundice, low BP and unresponsive. He passed spon after. I am truly devastated and still crying a week on. I'm terrified Beau is next. The vet said the incubation is 9 to 10 days so its looming hopeful Beau will be fine. The vet suspected vhd2 due to him being jaundice.

The breeder only vaccinated against mixy and vhd1. Weve vaccinated Beau the day after Timmy died, for vhd2. I'm terrified everytime I check him, scared I will lose him in the same traumatic way. It's been horrible.

I really hope your rabbit continues to do well. Please keep me updated. It gives me hope. We are on day 10 since Timmy first showed signs so I'm trying to be hopeful. Beaus been put in a new hutch, new bottle, new bowls etc it's been one huge expense and extremely anxiety provoking. One the breeder took zero responsibility for..

Hugs x
I'm not sure what happened to my previous post, so I'll update again. We've finally had the haemotology results back from Trevor's PM and I'm so relieved to say that he did not die from Haemorrhagic disease. Unfortunately, we don't know why it happened, but we do know it was not a contagious illness. Willow is doing really well and has now had all of her vaccinations, so we are less stressed now. We are planning to have her spayed in August when she is 6 months old and then to find her a mate after that. She appears really happy on her own, wandering around the house, but we feel guilty when we go out and of course she must get lonely when we're sleeping.
Eliza39 (Julie) so sorry to hear of your loss too, it really is horrible. I hope Beau is well, please let us know. x
I'm not sure what happened to my previous post, so I'll update again. We've finally had the haemotology results back from Trevor's PM and I'm so relieved to say that he did not die from Haemorrhagic disease. Unfortunately, we don't know why it happened, but we do know it was not a contagious illness. Willow is doing really well and has now had all of her vaccinations, so we are less stressed now. We are planning to have her spayed in August when she is 6 months old and then to find her a mate after that. She appears really happy on her own, wandering around the house, but we feel guilty when we go out and of course she must get lonely when we're sleeping.
Eliza39 (Julie) so sorry to hear of your loss too, it really is horrible. I hope Beau is well, please let us know. x

I am relieved to hear that RHD was not the cause of Trevor's tragic passing, but of course that fact does not lessen the impact of your loss :cry: I hope that all will go well for Willow when she is spayed. I think she would benefit from having a Bunny friend for company when you are not around, so once she has recovered from her spay maybe you could contact a local Rescue to see if they have a suitable partner for her. Most Rescue Bunnies are already neutered and fully vaccinated, so you wont have that to worry about. Also, some Rescues offer help with the bonding process.

I am sure that you will never forget Trevor, his passing was so sad :cry:
Thank you, we are still just as sad but so relieved, not only because of the worry of Willow contracting this horrible virus, but also because she needs a mate and we couldn't have considered that had RHVD been the diagnosis. I have already messaged Rabbit rescue North West to find out about the bonding and adoption process. I know we need to wait for a number of weeks after she has been spayed, but hopefully she'll find a mate soon after.
I'm so glad your little one is still ok. Beau is still doing great. Its bene 5 weeks since we lost Timmy so we are staying confident that Beau didnt contract it. The vet said to give it a month so I hope its safe to say hes ok now.
I'm so glad your little one is still ok. Beau is still doing great. Its bene 5 weeks since we lost Timmy so we are staying confident that Beau didnt contract it. The vet said to give it a month so I hope its safe to say hes ok now.

So glad Beau is well, here's hoping they both continue to thrive. I never knew how delicate rabbits are. My dog Betty is 9 and I've never had to worry about her health. x
I asked my (bunny-savvy) vet about Filavac this morning when I took my two in for their annual Filavac boosters. His advice was: as a bunny-savvy owner, keep your ear to the ground and if there's a flare in you area, consider vaccinating 6-monthly, otherwise the manufacturer's 12-months should be fine. We've been lucky in south Notts, a few cases nearby but not in the city of Nottingham. He also said the cost could, of course, be an issue as paying £40 a time (at my surgery) is not cheap, but most bunny-savvy owners are clued up enough to be able to judge the risks.
Just a reminder that RHD has not gone away, even though it may not be 'spoken of' on RU as much atm. (Same applies to Myxomatosis). There is still confirmed cases of multiple losses of unvaccinated Rabbits to RHD


Please, please make sure your Rabbits are up to date with all of their vaccinations. Details of what vaccinations are needed can be found here :


It can be that when RHD is not 'spoken about' so much online one can be lulled into a false sense of security. The viruses ( Myxo & RHD1 + 2 ) are still a real and present dangers to ALL Rabbits. Vaccination is essential.
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Just a reminder that RHD has not gone away, even though it may not be 'spoken of' on RU as much atm. (Same applies to Myxomatosis). There is still confirmed cases of multiple losses of unvaccinated Rabbits to RHD


Please, please make sure your Rabbits are up to date with all of their vaccinations. Details of what vaccinations are needed can be found here :


It can be that when RHD is not 'spoken about' so much online one can be lulled into a false sense of security. The viruses ( Myxo & RHD1 + 2 ) are still a real and present dangers to ALL Rabbits. Vaccination is essential.

Thanks for keeping the momentum going with this, Jane. It's easy to convince yourself that RHD isn't around just because you can't see it ... but it is, it very much is and nobody should get complacent about it.
To emphasise the fact that RHD2 is still a real and present danger a cyber friend has just lost two Baby Belgian Hares to the evil virus :cry: They were due to be vaccinated next week. Location Sussex.

There has been an unconfirmed case of 3 deaths of Rabbits bought from Pets at Home in St Helens WA9 1JF

''Edit : third rabbit died during the night, so all three died within 72 hours

Adopted three brothers from pets at home St Helens 13 days ago. All three went for mxmy and rvd 1 jabs on Friday. One died during the night on Saturday and the second passed at this evening. Vet said first one probably has virus so other two will have it. Will call vets tomorrow regarding second rabbit. Hoping the third doesn't have it but highly unlikely 😢

Edit : we will also be contacting the store and the council



I know I keep going on about it, but please make sure you vaccinate your Rabbits. The virus is still rife and will remain so, I fear :cry:
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I am finding it very hard to comprehend the thinking of some people who know about RHD2 yet still chose NOT to vaccinate their Rabbits. A recent loss of 8 Rabbits (Haywards Heath, Sussex) all unvaccinated despite owner KNOWING of the RHD2 risk and that there had been very local recent losses to the disease :cry:

What on earth does it take to make people understand that no amount of 'disinfecting' of the environment will equate to the protection of VACCINATION.

Dont procrastinate VACCINATE !!
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