Need help registering/activating your account?

I'm not sure if this thread is redundant now the new software is up & running - hopefully it's solved the issues with account activation.

To clarify, if you can post in OTHER forum sections, your account has been activated.

If you can ONLY post in this thread/section, then let us know and I will look into it.
If you've signed up but not received an activation email, please pop a post in this topic and I'll activate your account for you.

(You'll be able to post here even if your account isn't activated.)

Welcome to the forum :)

Edited by KarenM on July 7th 2024 to add further info....

If you can only post in this thread, your account still needs activating so please post and I'll check here regularly.

If you can post in other sections of the forum already, then your account is active and you're good to go. Welcome!
hi Tamsin could you please activate my account?
Not an issue with my account but I was wondering if there was a forum setting or automod that could deal with all the Temu posts as it's now silly?
Think today is currently the record for the number of accounts. Not envying you dealing with all of them.
Yea Idk what happened tbh. I'm hoping we can change the auto spam filter to including them somehow. Not sure yet tho 😂 in the meantime dw about reporting them coz there's just so many, I'll just pop on and clear then a few times throughout the day 😂