look at this burrow Ive just filled in!!!

My goodness, I've never seen anything quite like that from a domestic bun :shock: Mine always liked a wee dig but could never construct a proper burrow. That's awesome!! :D
When I had outdoor rabbits long ago, they made lovely burrows like that. Right out of their run and into the garden, and also under their shed. :)
When I had outdoor rabbits long ago, they made lovely burrows like that. Right out of their run and into the garden, and also under their shed. :)

Wow, that's impressive :shock: That happened to me, all 4 of the quad dug out of the run and were loose in
the goat field!
Now that's a good tunnel! I let me Conti's dig as they are slow diggers, anyway one day I decided they were going a bit far after I think I went to catch one of them because it was raining, while I was catching the one the other vanished. Panicking & thinking he'd got out, I checked everywhere & eventually discovered the tunnel had turned right. He had tucked himself away down it! I collapsed it after that!

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Aww...now why'd you go and do that? Now she's going to have to dig it all over again! :lol: ;)

That is impressive! Part of the reason I don't allow mine out in the garden is because I would swoon dead away if I turned my back and they'd made a jailbreak! :shock:
what a heartwarming sight:love: My Joey dug a tunnel once, wish I'd taken a photo. It wasn't as impressive as your bunnies one though
All my buns have been diggers, I find that when you have a pair they work together. My last buck was an expert at it (cue the theme tune from the great escape), he would start a burrow and get his wife who was a large lady to disperse the soil above ground. They did burrow out of their enclosure twice but we filled them in with rocks and old bricks the look of annoyance in their faces. Sadly the doe died and he never dug again til Alice came along. She started a burrow in the middle of the enclosure and they would both sit down there. He sadly died in September and I've let Alice keep it, but she hasn't made it any bigger since or dug another large one. Did Peggy dig this all on her own? It's a very impressive burrow, no wonder she was miffed :lol:
what a heartwarming sight:love: My Joey dug a tunnel once, wish I'd taken a photo. It wasn't as impressive as your bunnies one though

It really is very heartwarming. You can take bunny of nature, but can't take nature out of the bunny :lol: It's fab to see them being able to perform natural behaviours. :love:

Before I moved mine had run of our large secure garden (sadly this garden isn't fully secure just yet - working on it!). At the back was just soil. They dug in there and marked each day - but never even bothered to start an entrance to a burrow, nevermind this.
I've just filled in a burrow very similar to that. I'm shocked how quickly it was dug too, nothing there 30 mins before :shock:
Peggy is most miffed!!! Thumped in disgust at me!

Haha, Moi - you spoilsport :lol:

I had a supreme digger and I hadn't the heart to fill in her tunnels. I always put a plant pot down there as far as I could reach. She could still go down them, but not get into next door anymore :D
Hahahaha oh my gosh!! I hope you sought Peggy's permission first [emoji6]

She was not happy!! lol

All of them have dug it over time but Peggy is the most hacked off. She likes things just right. If the other buns start a burrow and ts not right she fills it in! lol x
Haha, Moi - you spoilsport :lol:

I had a supreme digger and I hadn't the heart to fill in her tunnels. I always put a plant pot down there as far as I could reach. She could still go down them, but not get into next door anymore :D

I idnt think of that... may do that next tim as I do like to see them disapear into what is natural xx