Mama Doe
Thank you so much to both of you. We are really hopeful for good blood results and we really want to stay positive however it has rocked us that the inflammation around her liver has got a little worse. The vet has told us that her recent blood work point to a partial liver lobe torsion or LLT as well which has shocked us tbh.
(I think) the ultrasound being worse could mean that the blood supply to that area is not great and that part of the liver could potentially die and twist off and a full torsion could occur. This would be life threatening due to the internal bleeding involved and she would need an emergency operation probably without a CT scan or biopsy so the risk is much greater than we thought. I hope I said that right. I heard the vet say a full torsion could occur a few times
We could probably get a CT scan and that would tell us if the blood supply to that part of the liver is good and possibly tell us how the liver looks as well. The problem being that an ultrasound is not so clear due to gas in her abdomen. This is only something we would consider IF her recent blood test shows that her liver enzymes are still abnormal and not improving.
IF her blood test is showing good changes we will just monitor her with regular blood tests and most probably ultrasounds on her liver every 6 months or something? As you rightly said Bunny Momma, we would have to get her teeth thoroughly checked every 3 months rather than every 6 months. We would need to watch her closely in case she started to go off her food as another bout of gut stasis could be disastrous.
However we have been learning all the time about bunnies (thank you BM) and Lillabelle is getting braver and more social which are all positives right now. She actually is eating so well now. My OH has gradually moved her on to some Excel Junior pellets for the extra protein and she loves them and her bowl of Readigrass. She has filled right out and is so strong. Her big eyes are really sparkling and her new winter coat is shining and soft and very thick.
Thank you Bunny Momma for giving us strength reminding us that we have been learning more about bunnies and getting to know our timid (but now back to our very feisty) Lils. Thank you Pets mum for saying what you did. These kind words mean a great deal from both of you xx
I will let you know when we get blood results back. It should be by Wednesday. That is my birthday so I really hope that brings Lillabelle some extra luck and we hear fantastic news ❤
(I think) the ultrasound being worse could mean that the blood supply to that area is not great and that part of the liver could potentially die and twist off and a full torsion could occur. This would be life threatening due to the internal bleeding involved and she would need an emergency operation probably without a CT scan or biopsy so the risk is much greater than we thought. I hope I said that right. I heard the vet say a full torsion could occur a few times
We could probably get a CT scan and that would tell us if the blood supply to that part of the liver is good and possibly tell us how the liver looks as well. The problem being that an ultrasound is not so clear due to gas in her abdomen. This is only something we would consider IF her recent blood test shows that her liver enzymes are still abnormal and not improving.
IF her blood test is showing good changes we will just monitor her with regular blood tests and most probably ultrasounds on her liver every 6 months or something? As you rightly said Bunny Momma, we would have to get her teeth thoroughly checked every 3 months rather than every 6 months. We would need to watch her closely in case she started to go off her food as another bout of gut stasis could be disastrous.
However we have been learning all the time about bunnies (thank you BM) and Lillabelle is getting braver and more social which are all positives right now. She actually is eating so well now. My OH has gradually moved her on to some Excel Junior pellets for the extra protein and she loves them and her bowl of Readigrass. She has filled right out and is so strong. Her big eyes are really sparkling and her new winter coat is shining and soft and very thick.
Thank you Bunny Momma for giving us strength reminding us that we have been learning more about bunnies and getting to know our timid (but now back to our very feisty) Lils. Thank you Pets mum for saying what you did. These kind words mean a great deal from both of you xx
I will let you know when we get blood results back. It should be by Wednesday. That is my birthday so I really hope that brings Lillabelle some extra luck and we hear fantastic news ❤