Is a hutch enough?


Warren Scout
I'm a big believer of the 'a hutch is not enough campaign'. Ever since I was younger the rabbits have had their own renovated playhouse and access to the whole garden when someone was home to watch (in case of day time urban foxes and other dangers). At home they now have a 10x12 shed and a 11x4ft run (unattached, which is a shame but it's my dads old shed so not allowed to cut holes in it for a cat flap teehee).

However, ive moved to university where ive got another year left. In first year my sister looked after them at home but now she's at uni too so they've come with me (not complaining! But means I can't leave them in their nice shed).

Student house doesn't have a big garden, I can't have a shed at all there's just no where for it to fit so ive settled for a hutch and run combo that is above RWAF minimum however, it's getting much colder and I want them to stay warm. As it stands, they drag all the bedding out the hutch and into the run then it rains and it gets gross and they have nothing to keep warm. Ive tried putting a barrier over the entrance to no avail. Question is, do you think it'll be ok to keep the hutch seporate and put them in it at night? It's a 5x2 double tier and I have a thermal hutch cover from P@H that didn't fit properly attached to the run but is lovely when not attached. They also have fleecy blankets, cardboard boxes for insulation, straw, snuggle safes and a faux fur dog bed. Ive tried it out for a few days and I'm much happier keeping them in the hutch at night then at about 7am when I'm getting ready for lectures they go into the run until bedtime. It's never recommended bunnies are kept in a hutch so I feel so mean but I don't know? What's everyones thoughts? I kind of figured since it's not a prementant arrangement (they'll only be in this set up for around 2 months whilst it's so cold, as I go home for a month at christmas too where they'll get the shed) and since its for their 'own good' to keep the temp up that it'd be ok? :roll: :roll: Bring on when my degree is finished and I can have a big shed and aviary all attached to the house so they can come in for cuddles if they want :lol:
Personally I think its fine :)

You have a better rabbit setup than I do (I feel so bad about my buns!) but they are happy and not showing any abnormal behaviours. So long as they have enrichment in the hutch to keep them occupied at night, then they'll be perfectly fine!
Could you put a cover on the run eg clear corrugated plastic sheets? Night time is such an active time for rabbits. Ideally the run would be sloping so the rain could just run off it.

They dont mind the cold, just draughts.
Could you put a cover on the run eg clear corrugated plastic sheets? Night time is such an active time for rabbits. Ideally the run would be sloping so the rain could just run off it.

They dont mind the cold, just draughts and damp.
I have my own facebook group actually 'small animal enrichment' so yeah, Id like to think they have lots of things to do as I set up challenges to keep them occupied, it's very important to me. As is space, but it's also important to me they're kept warm and comfortable and at the moment it seems to be one or the other. The run roof doesn't slope, i didn't make it, I had to order it in. Im not that good with building things haha, corrugated sheets sound like a good idea but i've tried to cover the run as best I can, what the problem is it's on soil. So they can't dig out ive put down mesh and then put turf over the top but because of the soil and the water leaching into it when it's raining that's why the bedding gets nasty and I don't want them sitting in a soggy pile of straw :roll: it'd be fine for them to go in day to day as they've got padded fur feet and can dry off in the hutch and hides I put in the run but it's pointless having a cosy hutch if it's getting pulled out an ruined.
Sounds fine to me, as long as they get at least 3 hours of excursive a day then nothing to worry about!
I wish I could upload a picture but I'm unsure as to how this web adress photo system works :lol: the hutch run combo is in the back garden but for it to fit, the hutch is turned sideways and the door opens into the run so they can get in and out. If I had a run around system it'd be going through the door into the run, as if I may just have well kept the door open lol. It might stop the straw being dug out but Ive tried a barrier, it's as if when they run in and out they pull armfuls with them :roll: but something to consider, just expensive if it doesn't work considering I could have just opened the hutch door and now there's a chunk cut out the door as well :lol: we have a little paved porch section I can put the hutch on if it's unattached.
How cold is it getting where you are? It may well be you're trying to warm them up and they are kicking bedding out to cool down (particularly with snugglesafes too) or just because they find sitting on the bare flooring more comfy (which is a weird but common rabbit habit).

You could try this:
That way you are insulating the walls but you don't have to stuff the whole bed area with straw which might be what they are objecting too.

Some shelter for the run roof would help stop it getting muddy - corrugated plastic works or even a cheap shower curtain well tied down.

To behonest, I probably wouldn't lock them in because of this, generally rabbits have the sense to go in their hutch to warm up and a sturdy hutch with a cover and a companion to snuggle up to is generally going to be fine unless we are talking some serious minus temps.
I think your best bet is definitely covering the run to keep it dry. Rabbits love to re-arrange their "furniture" how they like it and keeping them from their run in the hours where they'd probably use it most should probably be absolute last resort. As mentioned, clear plastic roofing panels or a tarp would probably keep the run much drier. :)

Sounds fine to me, as long as they get at least 3 hours of excursive a day then nothing to worry about!
I have no idea where you were told that but 3 hours is actually NOT enough exercise. Especially given that rabbits are more active at night. It used to be considered fine but things have changed and moved on from that and we've become much more aware of rabbit needs.
I have read all the replies and in your particular circumstances I think you should do what you feel is best for your bunnies. It won't be perfect but at least your rabbits will stay dry and happy with you there to love and care for them.
Rabbits are not most active at night, they are most active at dusk and dawn. I get up at seven when it's still dark for lectures, 7:02 or something silly like that is when dawn starts this time of year and like I say, they're out by then in the run so they are in the run whilst most active. I agree about the 3hs a day though, I was always taught at least 12 hours of excersise was the required amount, like all day.
Perhaps controversional but IMO animals aren't stupid. I've never known a healthy animal deliberately make themselves so cold that they freeze to death.
Alright sass :') they run in and out of the hutch, I don't think they purposfully mean to make themselves cold but the straw and things just gets thrown around as they go about their business. Doesn't mean they've done it on purpose to freeze to death, blimey :lol:
I have corrugated plastic on the roof and made some clear pvc windows for some of the sidesto provide a bit of wind break.

Mine have 24/7 access to the run.

The hutch is nice and snug, but they rarely use it, they much prefer making use of the run.

They have been fine through wind/rain/snow and always been healthy and happy.

In their eyes the best heater is a bunny friend to snuggle with.
Coming to the conclusion it's better to leave them at home for next year so they can live in their shed. I'm being selfish trying to take them to the uni house with me :oops:
Jade I've seen your set up, and trust me, whether they're shut in the hutch at night or not, they're doing much better than the majority of pet rabbits :lol:

Personally if it were me, I'd shut them in the hutch at night if they're making their bedding all soggy. I know ideally everyone wants them to have tonnes of space ALL the time, but for peace of mind I much prefer mine to be shut up at night (not just because of the weather, but also predators/freak accidents etc)
Thanks Chloe, I haven't been happy with their set up since I decided to move them out this year at uni and I'm always asking questions about what everyone thinks and what would be best. I just can't have them pulling the carpet up like noodles! It's really cheap so not individual fibres, more like its looped over and stuck down so it comes up in long strands that do literally look like curly noodles. They can be sat there a second before I jump up and stop them but even that's not quick enough so they've already got a good patch missing. Haven't touched the skirting board or anything, which is typical because if that was their play toy I could at least DIY and fix it and they could stay inside. Just, in comparison to their old playhouse and shed it just seems cruel! They've got each other to keep entertained (Im hoping) so I'm thinking over night won't be as dull because even if they get bored of all their toys etc they can't get bored of talking to each other and grooming and snuggling. They can also have free range for a bit in the morning whilst I have by cuppa and get them cleaned out lol, have a stretch after being cooped up. Plus they generally come in the house quite often as long as I have my windows open and heating off, so they get a variety of sized places and spaces to explore :)
that is the whole issue with renting tho isn't it? the risk of damage and the possible danger of stuff you can't fix or modify yourself. I constantly feel guilty about my rabbits. I agree with the other poster tho about peace of mind and security.

It isn't easy really. To honest yours sounds about 100 times better then most rabbit set ups!
My hutch run combo is attached via a catflap so it stays really cosy in the hutch and they can't drag bedding out. I have the P@H bluebell hutch and have cut a hole in the side of the hutch to put the catflap in. It was a bit fiddly to get the hole cut right but it does fit really well.