hey there, me and my girlfriend had a male rabbit (unknown to us until we took him to the vets to get 'spayed') then we got a female rabbit as a friend which for now are kept in different cages, I was just wondering how you can tell if they're in love? Bella the male rabbit has an obvious interest in Daisy at the minute as he only got neutered a couple of weeks ago, but Daisy the female is constantly trying to get into Bellas pen vice versa although she does sometimes try and run away when he 'tries it on with her'. I was wondering how you could tell if they're in love with each other? ... if she is out on her own she likes to wee and poo outside his cage while he's inside it and try to get inside his pen! and they also 'kiss' through the pen! just wondering if this is them falling in love or bonding? thanks! adam