Young Bun
Hi all,
I'm so sorry but I don't have anyone to talk to about my little Pea and I just need to get it all out.
I've posted here a few times over the years about Peanut. She came to us as a little baby bun in November 2015 and was such a beautiful little soul. She loved people and came up for strokes and hopped around so happily.
My husband accidentally stood on her when she was 6 months old and I thought then that was it. But after several weeks of syringe feeding her, moving her into our bedroom so we could watch her and give her what she needed through the night - she pulled through! Minus an eye and forever had offset teeth after that episode, though. We'd come home and she would be sat on the bed chilled out
Despite all of that, she returned to her happy little fun self. She loved nothing more than destroying a good cardboard box (usually whilst stood on top of it...), sniffing out and begging for fruit and settling down on the beanbag next to me when I was working from home during lockdown.
For the last 8 and a half years, she has been here every single day. We never took a holiday, never stayed anywhere overnight and she was the first little face I saw when I got up in the morning and before I went to bed.
She had numerous dental ops over the years - thanks to the wonderful Toll Barn rabbit-savvy vet. They're around an hour away from me and I would rent a car to take her there whilst I didn't have one. She wasn't hugely keen on the drive but liked the nurses once we got there - and they liked her!
She was neutered when she was 4 and had the start of some cancers removed - she recovered amazingly and was always her happy little self.
When I was told some cancer was showing, I drove home and prayed on the way back. It was because of her pulling through that I found God as he answered my prayers that day.
This week she was due to have another dental, which she did, but when she got home she was different. She didn't want to eat, didn't want to move a great deal and I think she knew she wasn't going to recover this time. She had a huge dental abscess which we were treating and had done before but this time she didn't even want her syringe food.
We took her back to the vet yesterday and they advised that as it was a Friday, we could take her home and continue with the meds, or she could be hospitalised but they'd be doing the same thing we were.
I'm really glad we decided to bring her home. I have a Ring camera set up on her (and her little friend Prince who joined us just over a year ago) and would keep an eye on her between syringe feeds and meds. I'd been down to check on her at 5am but by 6.30am, she was gone. She came out of her bed and aimed towards her favourite cardboard box, collapsed and died.
Part of me wishes I'd have been with her but it was almost like she waited so we didn't have to see it. Our cat, Wednesday, who came into Peanut's life when she was 2 sat next to her and waited with her. She knew too.
We dropped her off at Rainbow Bridge to be cremated this morning and she should be coming back to us soon.
I am beyond devastated. She was my little darling who got so excited when we entered the room. She loved people and bass-y music which sent her to sleep
(We Will Rock You was a particular favourite).
I feel like people don't give buns enough credit and don't understand the sadness as if it were a cat or a dog.
I don't intend on having any more buns as I don't feel I could give them as much love as I gave her and give to Princey and it is just too sad to lose them.
The house is quiet and empty now without her and I would give anything to have her back. I'm so grateful we had those 8.5 years but wish it could've been longer. I just pray that we meet again one day.
Sorry for the long post... I just needed to get that out.
I'm so sorry but I don't have anyone to talk to about my little Pea and I just need to get it all out.
I've posted here a few times over the years about Peanut. She came to us as a little baby bun in November 2015 and was such a beautiful little soul. She loved people and came up for strokes and hopped around so happily.
My husband accidentally stood on her when she was 6 months old and I thought then that was it. But after several weeks of syringe feeding her, moving her into our bedroom so we could watch her and give her what she needed through the night - she pulled through! Minus an eye and forever had offset teeth after that episode, though. We'd come home and she would be sat on the bed chilled out

Despite all of that, she returned to her happy little fun self. She loved nothing more than destroying a good cardboard box (usually whilst stood on top of it...), sniffing out and begging for fruit and settling down on the beanbag next to me when I was working from home during lockdown.
For the last 8 and a half years, she has been here every single day. We never took a holiday, never stayed anywhere overnight and she was the first little face I saw when I got up in the morning and before I went to bed.
She had numerous dental ops over the years - thanks to the wonderful Toll Barn rabbit-savvy vet. They're around an hour away from me and I would rent a car to take her there whilst I didn't have one. She wasn't hugely keen on the drive but liked the nurses once we got there - and they liked her!
She was neutered when she was 4 and had the start of some cancers removed - she recovered amazingly and was always her happy little self.
When I was told some cancer was showing, I drove home and prayed on the way back. It was because of her pulling through that I found God as he answered my prayers that day.
This week she was due to have another dental, which she did, but when she got home she was different. She didn't want to eat, didn't want to move a great deal and I think she knew she wasn't going to recover this time. She had a huge dental abscess which we were treating and had done before but this time she didn't even want her syringe food.
We took her back to the vet yesterday and they advised that as it was a Friday, we could take her home and continue with the meds, or she could be hospitalised but they'd be doing the same thing we were.
I'm really glad we decided to bring her home. I have a Ring camera set up on her (and her little friend Prince who joined us just over a year ago) and would keep an eye on her between syringe feeds and meds. I'd been down to check on her at 5am but by 6.30am, she was gone. She came out of her bed and aimed towards her favourite cardboard box, collapsed and died.
Part of me wishes I'd have been with her but it was almost like she waited so we didn't have to see it. Our cat, Wednesday, who came into Peanut's life when she was 2 sat next to her and waited with her. She knew too.
We dropped her off at Rainbow Bridge to be cremated this morning and she should be coming back to us soon.
I am beyond devastated. She was my little darling who got so excited when we entered the room. She loved people and bass-y music which sent her to sleep

I feel like people don't give buns enough credit and don't understand the sadness as if it were a cat or a dog.
I don't intend on having any more buns as I don't feel I could give them as much love as I gave her and give to Princey and it is just too sad to lose them.
The house is quiet and empty now without her and I would give anything to have her back. I'm so grateful we had those 8.5 years but wish it could've been longer. I just pray that we meet again one day.
Sorry for the long post... I just needed to get that out.