New Kit
Hi everyone!
First time posting here, I’m just a little bit stressed and was hoping for some advice. Sorry in advance that this is a long one but I’m worried there’s some clue we’re missing!
My little bun Moomin is 8 years old, she’s been pretty much in perfect health until now. For context her partner died of presumed E. Cuniculi a year ago, she was then put on a course of meds after this and the vet gave her the all clear although she was never tested for it. We also cleaned everything thoroughly after this.
Two weeks ago she stopped eating and was stomach pressing and seemed very uncomfortable, so I took her to the vet for suspected stasis. As expected, when we got there they confirmed she was suffering from bloating and so had stopped eating - we couldn’t really figure out what but they gave us some motility drugs and some painkillers and we went home.
After a couple of days of meds and force feeding, she seemed pretty much back to normal - eating, drinking, pooping, and behaving her usual self. We continued the meds for a full week on advice of the vet, and once we stopped she seemed fine for a few days. She was eating her hay, greens and also eventually went back onto her pellets.
However, after a couple of days off her meds, she slowed down on eating - she wouldn’t eat her pellets anymore, only greens and hay, and she wasn’t eating as much as normal of those either, she also wasn’t pooping much. By Sunday evening we had to force feed her again, and called the vets first thing on Monday. They didn’t have an appointment until today, but in the meantime she was eating a little more and pooping again so we agreed to wait until today. I noticed yesterday she seems to have a slight sore hock, so we put some soft blankets down for her in the meantime. She didn’t seem to be uncomfortable but was sitting strangely, holding her foot up. She’s also sitting and lying in her litter box, which she’s never done before.
I took her to the vet today and he checked out her stomach and foot. When checking her stomach, he noticed a hard lump in her abdomen which he seemed concerned about. He said it could either be a growth, or it was possible it’s just that her bladder is inflamed, but he had never felt one this hard in his experience.
In the past she’s not had bladder issues. We need to take her for an ultrasound, the earliest appointment is on Friday. He gave her an injection for pain and some painkillers for home in the meantime. I’m confused because I also noticed the lump, but only since a couple of days ago. If it had been there longer I feel like I would’ve noticed because I’ve been giving her stomach massages every few hours the gas. I also feel like the vet would’ve noticed when we took her in 2 weeks ago if it was there then? So I’m confused how it could’ve come so quickly, or we all missed it… It doesn’t seem to hurt her even slightly when we touch it, and it’s beneath the skin. It’s small, maybe the size of a 20p coin.
Since we got home she’s behaving normally if a little sluggishly (I think just from the meds) and is eating hay, but seems to be drinking a lot more than normal. I’m watching her like a hawk so worried I’m imagining symptoms. She’s still sitting a lot in her litter box.
Has anyone got any experience with a lump like this that WASN’T something horribly serious? How likely is it that this is going to be something terrible? I’ve been googling and spiralling since the vets and Friday seems a long long way off at this point… I’d also really appreciate any advice for things worth asking the vet about whilst we’re there.
She’s a sweet angel and very understanding of everything going on so I’m not too worried about having to give meds or force feed if needed - even the vets always comment on how sweet and well behaved she is when she’s there. I’m just really worried and hoping she’s going to be ok.
Thanks to anyone who made it all the way through this, apologies for the incredibly long post!
First time posting here, I’m just a little bit stressed and was hoping for some advice. Sorry in advance that this is a long one but I’m worried there’s some clue we’re missing!
My little bun Moomin is 8 years old, she’s been pretty much in perfect health until now. For context her partner died of presumed E. Cuniculi a year ago, she was then put on a course of meds after this and the vet gave her the all clear although she was never tested for it. We also cleaned everything thoroughly after this.
Two weeks ago she stopped eating and was stomach pressing and seemed very uncomfortable, so I took her to the vet for suspected stasis. As expected, when we got there they confirmed she was suffering from bloating and so had stopped eating - we couldn’t really figure out what but they gave us some motility drugs and some painkillers and we went home.
After a couple of days of meds and force feeding, she seemed pretty much back to normal - eating, drinking, pooping, and behaving her usual self. We continued the meds for a full week on advice of the vet, and once we stopped she seemed fine for a few days. She was eating her hay, greens and also eventually went back onto her pellets.
However, after a couple of days off her meds, she slowed down on eating - she wouldn’t eat her pellets anymore, only greens and hay, and she wasn’t eating as much as normal of those either, she also wasn’t pooping much. By Sunday evening we had to force feed her again, and called the vets first thing on Monday. They didn’t have an appointment until today, but in the meantime she was eating a little more and pooping again so we agreed to wait until today. I noticed yesterday she seems to have a slight sore hock, so we put some soft blankets down for her in the meantime. She didn’t seem to be uncomfortable but was sitting strangely, holding her foot up. She’s also sitting and lying in her litter box, which she’s never done before.
I took her to the vet today and he checked out her stomach and foot. When checking her stomach, he noticed a hard lump in her abdomen which he seemed concerned about. He said it could either be a growth, or it was possible it’s just that her bladder is inflamed, but he had never felt one this hard in his experience.
In the past she’s not had bladder issues. We need to take her for an ultrasound, the earliest appointment is on Friday. He gave her an injection for pain and some painkillers for home in the meantime. I’m confused because I also noticed the lump, but only since a couple of days ago. If it had been there longer I feel like I would’ve noticed because I’ve been giving her stomach massages every few hours the gas. I also feel like the vet would’ve noticed when we took her in 2 weeks ago if it was there then? So I’m confused how it could’ve come so quickly, or we all missed it… It doesn’t seem to hurt her even slightly when we touch it, and it’s beneath the skin. It’s small, maybe the size of a 20p coin.
Since we got home she’s behaving normally if a little sluggishly (I think just from the meds) and is eating hay, but seems to be drinking a lot more than normal. I’m watching her like a hawk so worried I’m imagining symptoms. She’s still sitting a lot in her litter box.
Has anyone got any experience with a lump like this that WASN’T something horribly serious? How likely is it that this is going to be something terrible? I’ve been googling and spiralling since the vets and Friday seems a long long way off at this point… I’d also really appreciate any advice for things worth asking the vet about whilst we’re there.
She’s a sweet angel and very understanding of everything going on so I’m not too worried about having to give meds or force feed if needed - even the vets always comment on how sweet and well behaved she is when she’s there. I’m just really worried and hoping she’s going to be ok.
Thanks to anyone who made it all the way through this, apologies for the incredibly long post!
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