Evo - 2 months already


Warren Veteran
Hey, I know I don't come on here a lot anymore, but seeing as so many of you "knew" him, I thought I should let you know that Evo died at the vets yesterday. My gorgeous little cuddle bun food monster has gone.

I don't know what it was - I'll always feel that it's because I took him for his VHD on Monday. There are so many "what ifs", I can't bear it. The vet phoned at 6.30 to say he was comfy for the night, and then rang back 20 mins later to say he's deteriorated, and asked us to make a decision. By the time we'd discussed things and phoned back - he had already gone. We went to say goodbye to him, and he was all laid out, just like he usually would be. :cry: :lol: I am numb but so so glad we went to say goodbye.

So, a farewell to my special friend, honestly the best bunny I have ever known. I will miss you more than words can say, but you filled my life with so much joy, I am glad to have known you for 5 years.



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Awwwww hun I will say again that I am so very sorry you have lost your little friend, we all knew Evo so well with all the funny stories, video's and photo's. He was the bestest buddy you have ever had and I will miss hearing about him so much :cry: It doesn't seem real :cry:

Please take care of yourself and take comfort in the fact he was such a chilled happy bunny because he was loved so dearly by his mommy and daddy xxxxx

Sleep peacefully gorgeous Evo :cry::cry:
I am so, so sorry. :cry: I just cannot believe it. :cry: Just take it a day at a time. Sending a massive hug. Take care.

Bless Evo.

I am so sorry to hear your news. I adored his little cheeky face.

He will certainly be much missed by all of us.

Binky free Evo.xx
OMGosh........................:shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am so,so sorry :cry:

Crikey, I cant believe Evo has gone to The Bridge.........:cry: :cry:

Binky Free Evo, many many people will miss you

Oh no, not Evo :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I am truly heartbroken :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Bless you darling boy, so loved by so many and so many who will feel so lost now:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Oh Laura...:cry::cry::cry:I am devastated for you. Evo is such a handsome boy, truly loved by so many, such a little character but he will always always live on in your heart and in all of ours too, a very special little character.:love::love::love:

I know it is no consolation but no matter how a bunny goes, there is the inevitable guilt trip afterwards....I have never known it any different (other than with Harriet doggie)...full of doubts, what ifs, and if onlies. I truly believe that when it is their time to go, nothing will stop them and they are determined they will depart for the Bridge no matter what you do. :love: Feeling like this is part of the grieving process for all of us, honestly. In time, it will hurt less but you will never forget your lovely boy and nor will we. Big hugs to you. xxx
:cry::cry::cry: So sorry to read this Laura... Evo was one of the character buns on here and although I never met him, I felt I knew him through his antics (and I felt your pain so much when he put you through the wringer with his health probs).

In time you'l remember the many, many special times you had with him.

Binky free Evo (who I'm sure is beign a cheeky rascal with all the lady buns at the Bridge).
Oh no, I'm so sorry.

Evo has always been one of my favourite forum bunnies and the photos/videos you posted of him always made me and O/H smile.

Binky free little Evo...


Im so sorry, Evo was one of my favourite RU bunnies. I cant believe he has gone. So sorry :cry:. Binky free little man xx
:shock: Im so sorry, i used to love your threads about Evo, he was a gorgeous bun.Take Care
Deb.x Binky Free Beautifull Evo.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no, Evo! :( I'm so sorry for your loss. He was one of my fav buns on here, seeing him always brightened my day.