Bunny smells of B.O


Mama Doe
Honestly he has a very odd smell to him, first I thought it was me or my Son but its definatly new bun. Is that normal x
I know that if someone has been wearing a lot of perfume and has hugged Indy or Mimi, I can smell it on them afterwards.

Could it be that the old owner had a strong odour and has transferred the smell?

Never heard of a rabbit smelling of BO before :mrgreen:
I know that if someone has been wearing a lot of perfume and has hugged Indy or Mimi, I can smell it on them afterwards.

Could it be that the old owner had a strong odour and has transferred the smell?

Never heard of a rabbit smelling of BO before :mrgreen:

Im not sure, cant really ask if they have b.o! lol x
Is he neutered? Unneutered males can sometimes whiff a little.

The other thing to check is his scent glands, they are in a fold each side of his boy bits under the tail. Sometimes they can get clogged up and really hummm :lol:
Is he neutered? Unneutered males can sometimes whiff a little.

The other thing to check is his scent glands, they are in a fold each side of his boy bits under the tail. Sometimes they can get clogged up and really hummm :lol:

He is neutered. Ill have to have a little look x
I was going to say man hormones or scent glands. But also a bunny with a mouth infection can have a nasty 'BO' type of smell so that will be worth considering if he is already neutered and you have checked his scent glands and they are clean.