Bonding with cat.


New Kit
Hi, I unintentionally adopted a pair of rabbits about a year ago. They were bonded and one many years older than the other. Sadly the older passed about 3 months ago and as the remaining guy appeared lonely outside I decided to migrate him indoors. It’s gone really well and he has settled wonderfully with my existing pets, a 3 legged chihuahua and a 2 year old female white cat who is sadly going blind.

I’ve noticed that he has become very bonded to the cat and was wondering if I need to be mindful of anything as I’ve never heard of a rabbit and cat bonding. The chihuahua/rabbit relationship is one of mere acceptance because the dog is constantly trying to steal his veggies. However I pity anyone that ever wanted to stroke the cat without their permission because my goodness they’d work together to go big brother on them 😬🤣
Rabbits only truly bond with other Rabbits. They might cohabit and tolerate another species, but it’s not bonding in the true sense of the word. Cats and Rabbits communicate in different ways. Cats are predators, Rabbits are prey.

I would never leave a Cat and a Rabbit together unsupervised. Same with a Rabbit and a dog.

I have cats, dogs and rabbits. I would never trust a cat with a rabbit, even through a mesh barrier - a playful swipe of a claw can cause a lot of damage to the rabbit.

My dogs are also completely separated from the rabbits. They may sit and watch them or usually ignore them, but, again, rabbits are a prey species and they initiate a chase / hunt reflex in both dogs and cats, particularly when they run. Rabbits are very easily stressed and that can also kill them.

So my advice is find somewhere that the rabbit(s) are completely safe from all predators, and fully supervise any interactions.