Mama Doe
I've had my beautiful Milo for a year now. He is neutered and vaccinated and about 18 months old. He was a rescue. He loves being fussed and is very friendly. He had ec before I had him which was treated but left him with head tilt. He's had one other infection since I have had him which responded to treatment but I know he will still be carrying ec in his body at a low level. I've had two other rabbits in the past with this infection both of who recovered.
I've had bunnies for 15 years but have never had this dilema. I know that despite him living free range in my living room and having as much attention from me as possible,I work full time and he spends a fair bit of time on his own. I worry constantly that he is lonely. I have another rabbit, a doe called Winnie also a rescue who is neutered and vaccinated as well. I have spoken briefly to my vet about the ethics of bonding a rabbit with a history of ec but also know that something like 80 per cent of rabbits are ec carriers without the infection symptoms ever emerging because the levels in the body are low and controlled by the immune system. Chances are Winnie could be a carrier with no symptoms.
Having said that I don't want her to get ec of course. I think they would be a good match though with similar temperament and age; I will bond Winnie with somebun else if not with Milo. My head says "no" and my heart says "really?" !!
I'd just like some thoughts before I put the whole idea to bed. Thank you!
I've had bunnies for 15 years but have never had this dilema. I know that despite him living free range in my living room and having as much attention from me as possible,I work full time and he spends a fair bit of time on his own. I worry constantly that he is lonely. I have another rabbit, a doe called Winnie also a rescue who is neutered and vaccinated as well. I have spoken briefly to my vet about the ethics of bonding a rabbit with a history of ec but also know that something like 80 per cent of rabbits are ec carriers without the infection symptoms ever emerging because the levels in the body are low and controlled by the immune system. Chances are Winnie could be a carrier with no symptoms.
Having said that I don't want her to get ec of course. I think they would be a good match though with similar temperament and age; I will bond Winnie with somebun else if not with Milo. My head says "no" and my heart says "really?" !!
I'd just like some thoughts before I put the whole idea to bed. Thank you!