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  1. Orenoko

    New Home for Male Lionhead Bunny

    He's a gorgeous boy, I would however recommend to approach proper rehoming centres/charities to ensure he goes to a good home.
  2. Orenoko

    Lost a baby rabbit 🤧🐇

    To me it sounds like this litter, a second litter and now she is pregnant for the third time? OP please look into moving the male at the very least, this situation isn't sustainable for mum to be pregnant so much and constantly nursing. You could end up with more babies dying or even mum in the...
  3. Orenoko

    Lost a baby rabbit 🤧🐇

    Get the rest of the babies checked out ASAP. It might be that the bunny who passed was weaker or there might be an infection going around the litter. Don't get too hung up on the emotions of the other rabbits atm, just get them seen by a vet. Are the parents vaccinated?
  4. Orenoko

    Bunny making strange sounds please help.

    You could also try supplementing the treatment with diluted cranberry juice (50/50 mix with water). But if she doesn't improve in a couple of days definitely get a second opinion. Fingers crossed for her!
  5. Orenoko

    Baby rabbit eye not opening an eye

    You really need to take her to a vet, ulcers in rabbits can be extremely painful and need proper care and treatment. Or it could be something else entirely, which makes veterinary treatment even more necessary.
  6. Orenoko

    New lion head mama, would like some tips

    Another vote for megazorb, as tonibun said pine can cause issues. Carefresh is another good brand but it is pricey. She looks young, so I'd try and get her used to being gently groomed as lion heads need a little extra care on that front. She's very cute.
  7. Orenoko

    NEUTERED GUINEA PIG BOAR in need of a Forever Home

    I would love to but I don't have any piggy friends! Poor little guy he is adorable.
  8. Orenoko


    Are they both neutered? How long have you been trying to bond for? It can take some time, particularly if you have one more stubborn/dominant one.
  9. Orenoko

    Hard things on left side of body

    That's good to hear that he's gaining weight, critical care will help with that too so it sounds like he is on the right track. I'm not sure why the groomer shaved his fur, but it's done now so hopefully will grow in soon. In the meantime just ensure he stays warm (probably not a problem in...
  10. Orenoko

    Female Rabbit Humping Male Rabbit

    You will get more responses starting your own thread on this. I can see you've been given excellent advice on another thread which I can't really add to, other than to say please follow it and separate them.
  11. Orenoko

    Hard things on left side of body

    I think the only way to get to the bottom of this is to take him back to the vet for scans to find out what it is. Nobody here can really tell you what the lump is. His fur loss and weight is very concerning too as he's such a young boy. I'm not sure where you're based but an exotic vet should...
  12. Orenoko

    Bonding advice - have I made a mistake?

    It sounds like you've given them a much better life than they had before tbh, I'm surprised neither one of them had received a serious injury given they were unneutered. It doesn't sound like they have a great bond, which isn't your fault at all, this started long before you got them. I'd...
  13. Orenoko

    ‘’Understanding Your Rabbit’s Habits’’- New Book

    I don't know why but I read this as "rabbit hands" and thought how strange! I wonder if there's anything in there about licking radiators, it's a strange habit Lilac has picked up recently!
  14. Orenoko

    Bertie - very sad news

    Rest in peace little Bertie, gorgeous boy xx
  15. Orenoko

    Bunny might have consumed chocolate?!

    This happened to me many years ago, overnight my bunny got hold of some chocolate I'd carelessly left out. Luckily she was fine but I did contact the vet and from memory she did go in for observation for the day. Chocolate is toxic so if you're not sure how much your bunny ate it's best to...
  16. Orenoko

    Usual fat growth just on left near his tail

    Really sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are making the right decision for him, I hope the next few hours you have with him are peaceful and memorable.
  17. Orenoko

    Scipio's new friend

    She sounds very cheeky, I like it!
  18. Orenoko

    Vibes for Rodney

    Sending vibes for your boy, hope he gets to come home soon xx
  19. Orenoko

    Bunny despair

    Agree with all the advice you've been given, you really need to try and neuter them both. You've been given bad advice by the breeder for sure. Best bet is to keep them apart and try getting them neutered ASAP before attempting re-bonding - at least 6 weeks post-neuter. Male rabbits if left...
  20. Orenoko

    ~Candle Ceremony 2024~In Memorium~Dear Friends Remembered Forever~

    I'd like to remember Rupert, we had to say goodbye to him on 19/06 and I still miss his little face.