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  1. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    Ah, ok! Good to know! We have a really good vet and an appointment on Saturday. Thank you so much, both of you! My mum loved Inspector Morse, by the way. 😊
  2. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    One question I have about George, is what do I do about mating behavior? At 11 years, I’m not going to neuter him, but he wants to mate with my feet. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can do to calm him down? Someone in an unneutered bunny thread suggested a knitted sock to distract her...
  3. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    Thank you! He is so relaxed and confident, it warms my heart. He also grunts and runs to me whenever I go to pet him. He’s so sweet.
  4. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    Thank you! It’s great to be here!
  5. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    Thank you so much! He loves being brushed. I’m happy to be here. 😊
  6. D

    New rabbit mom-unplanned rescue

    Good morning and happy new year! I live in sunny Fullerton, CA and am the mother of a human, big dog, 3 cats, a cockatiel, 3 chickens, 4 ducks, betta and goldfish, and now an 11 year old, blind, unneuteted rabbit living indoors for the first time in his life. George the bun bun is very sweet...