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  1. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Thanks Lessa, Obi's lump was an abscess which we went ahead with the surgery for. It wasn't a straightforward recovery but we got there! Just trying to work on this respiratory thing now but it's really clinging on.
  2. BattleKat

    Please help - sad decision to make

    A lot of people can't understand how much you love a rabbit because they've never known one. There's absolutely nothing wrong with how you're feeling, especially considering the deep bond you had with Mojo. I don't know about you but even from well intentioned folks I got a lot of "well she...
  3. BattleKat

    Need advice for our two male mini lops

    I'm so sorry to hear that things haven't worked out for you and your little family. I personally would get in touch with some rescues and see what they suggest.
  4. BattleKat

    Please help - sad decision to make

    My thoughts will be with you tomorrow. It's a horrible decision to have to make but you've made it with love and with his best interests in mind. Huge hugs.
  5. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Just wanted to update this and say we went ahead with the surgery on Thursday. Obi came home yesterday and is doing really well. He hates his meds and hates his ear being cleaned but besides that he's his usual happy bouncy self. :love:
  6. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Thank you both. I think she said a lateral ear canal something. Maybe ablation. He seems 100% besides the frequent sneezing since we took him off the antibiotics for swabbing. The arthritis showed up on his scan but you'd never guess.
  7. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Obi has been seen by highcroft and is currently booked in for surgery on Thursday but I'm questioning if it would be kinder to have him put to sleep. His respiratory problem is bad; his left nostril is being eaten away and his left lung is affected. He has arthritis. The lump requires a...
  8. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    So the phone call did not go well, he said they wouldn't want to cut in to it without knowing what it was and the only option really is this CT scan. I'm waiting on calls from a couple of other vets today to see if we can travel to take him elsewhere, but if not then I'll book this CT scan...
  9. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    They can consult on your rabbit if you're with the RWAF, or any rabbit if the practice is a member. :D
  10. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Thankyou Shimmer. I'm still tremendously anxious but feel so much better equipped for this phone call thanks to all of you. I have a membership with the RWAF so can request my vet consults with their rabbit specialist vet once we have something worth reporting :thumb:
  11. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Brilliant, thankyou. Sounds like it's worth doing that to ascertain what's going on?
  12. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Thankyou both so much for your responses. Do you guys mind me asking how you know an abscess from another type of lump? I have so little faith in my vets but it's the best one I can get him to in reasonable distance :( I'm expecting a call today to discuss the CT scan
  13. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    Thankyou Zoobec, can always rely on you for a bit of support! You absolute babe x:love:
  14. BattleKat

    Base of ear lump - waxy buildup suggested

    About two weeks ago we spotted a fairly sizeable lump (maybe the length of a fingertip) at the base of Obi's ear. We took him to the vet where she said she thought it was waxy build-up and to wait and see what happened. He's not a lop but came to us 2-3 years ago with a VERY bad mite...
  15. BattleKat

    Help! My bunny ate loads of cake icing!

    How is Nuri doing today? Over the years my rabbits have eaten all sorts, including the year when two got in to the Christmas cake and ate ALL the marzipan and icing off the outside. These things happen! Definitely worth keeping a close eye and sticking to hay only for a few days as...
  16. BattleKat

    To bond or not to bond………

    looking forward to some photos!
  17. BattleKat

    To bond or not to bond………

    After her sister died my Lola was super upbeat and cheery. I think because her sister had been ill it was a relief for Lola when she died . She didn't take any time to say goodbye to the body like she had with the two previous friends she'd lost. I they they pick up on more than most people...
  18. BattleKat

    Goat antics and photos!

    So jealous :love:
  19. BattleKat

    The Crafter and Artists Sticky Thread

    lovely work as always zigzag!
  20. BattleKat

    Bonding Advice

    What size enclosure have you tried? And how long for? I wonder if there's anyone close to you who might be able to try for you. Some of the rescues offer a bonding service. I don't have huge amount of bonding experience but the only two I tried who looked like they really wanted to hurt each...