The forum is not to be used to launching personal attacks on each other.
If you see a post you are not happy with, please report it to admin to deal with rather than taking matters into your own hands.
Thank you for your co operation
I am locking this thread.
I can understand peoples concerns re this matter but please DO NOT use the forum as a means of making personalised comments re an individual as shes not here to put her side of things.
It is fair enough making generalised comments, but to use the forum in this...
Members please REPORT a post if you are unhappy with how other members are responding to you. Do not retort in kind as its just creates more problems.
Please be polite otherwise this thread will be locked and infractions given as appropriate.
Thank you for your co operation
I am so sorry to hear you are having a difficult time with poorly bunnies.
I am thinking of you and am sending positive vibes for Fern to make a full recovery.
Best wishes
Sue you brought sunshine and love to the forum community, and I will never forget your kindness to me last year when my Grandmother was ill.
I miss chatting to you and reading your posts on the forum, part of you will remain in all our hearts forever.
Love and hugs to Mark and the rest of Sues...
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Scamp is such a character bless him, you never know what hes going to do next, keeps you on your toes Tam;):lol::lol:
And Yes! I believe wild bunnies CAN fly, my two have on occasions:roll::lol::lol:
Hi please can members remember this thread was begun purely to show pictures of Bluebell and Blossom.
It is not appropriate to make comments that could be construed as being judgemental of the thread instigator. Every member has the right to able to start a thread without being made to feel they...
Wow thats great for a first attempt:D:D:D
Tam I have always wanted to draw bunnies and failed dismally:oops::lol::lol:
Your idea of using shapes is superb, I feel confident to have a go for first time in years now:)