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  1. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    I think in fairness though, not many folk are open minded about the need (in a lot of cases) for a proper amount of pellets, to the point even the RWAF is being doubted (I doubted them myself on the amount of hay they said was required, although to be fair I was more doubting myself as I know my...
  2. JessBun

    A very special birthday

    Happy Birthday Joey :wave: He's looking fab, not a day over two. :love:
  3. JessBun


    Oh my gosh, they just grow so quick don't they? I miss Oscar's 'Tiny days' :lol: He's gorgeous. Interestingly I recently had a dream of a butterfly lop like William. Perhaps it's because I saw him here. :lol: He is adorable. :love:
  4. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    Interesting though on a related note, is the advice for all humans in Scotland to supplement Vitamin D. I know that research emerged of house buns being deficient in this vitamin, but actually wonder that in Scotland, even outdoor buns may well be at risk of this deficiency. You then come to...
  5. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    Interesting points!! Although I have to say I don't think anyone (certainly not me) was saying pellets are the 'be all and end all' - just that I think the reality of the amount of rabbits than can actually survive let alone thrive on 5g a day (or similar amounts - don't want anyone to feel I...
  6. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    Yes this is a good point. I wondered though if rabbits would need to eat more weight of grass than of hay to compensate for the fact grass has such a high water content? Thank you for this Shimmer, I guess this answers it!
  7. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    Honestly, I know the recommended amount of pellets is an eggcup (once, or twice daily depending on who you speak to) but I have found it almost impossible to maintain a healthy weight on a rabbit on this amount. The only bun of mine it worked for was Autumnleaf, who was a mini lop anyway and...
  8. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    Just a thought Jane. If you feel relatively confident to understand a lot of the info given in PM findings, I could copy and paste this in a message to you. I of course have googled some terms, but what they mean in relation to usual findings is obviously lost on me, not being a vet. I don't...
  9. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    Thank you Babsie. I am happy with the answers I have, if no more are to be found. I have researched and it's quite obvious the regurgitation was likely triggered (whether at the time or later) by GA and surgery, with the timing of course that it happened same day. I am still confused why she...
  10. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    The vet mentioned aspiration pneumonia, the post mortem report as far as I can tell doesn't specifically mention pneumonia. There is a lot of info on the report. For most every day people, the terms are a load of gobblygook that needs googling. So whilst I have read it and (mostly)...
  11. JessBun

    Found a rabbit!

    Agree, must have been fate. How lovely it all worked out in the end! We need pictures though :lol:
  12. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    Sorry I should specify before it comes up, I know you should offer unlimited hay, and they should eat approx at least their body size in hay every day (which Oscar just about does) but I was really interested in the minimum grammage of hay they should roughly eat per day. Which is why I was glad...
  13. JessBun

    Feeding weights

    I'm sure this has been done to death, but I'm really interested to revisit this and see what other folk think. RWAF have a feeding guide of weights (which is very useful) based on the weight of your bun. However, I'm beginning to think it's off kilter. For a 1.4 kg mini lop (which Oscar now...
  14. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    Thank you for replying even though you are poorly Jane. I hope you are feeling better as soon as possible. There was no mention of adhesions, or obstruction. Did your rabbit aspirate the regurgitation? Assuming not seeing as it was being put to sleep. Sorry to hear you suffered this loss...
  15. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    So sorry to hear bunny momma. Did the rabbit aspirate it as well? The issue here is the aspiration mainly. No, I don't even know if the difficult intubation was mentioned on the necropsy referral. Perhaps I should ask for a copy of the referal as well.
  16. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    This is our thoughts and we are going to try this tomorrow. I have a feeling they wouldn't want to offer this 'advice' free as such, but we can certainly try! We do need a bit more information about why it happens around GA events. So far the vets have offered every possible explanation of it...
  17. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    Thank you Willow & Squiggles. x We are surprisingly OK. It's not a nice way for her to go, perhaps hypothermia may have been kinder to her, I really don't know and I'm trying not to think like that, all I can say is she went very quickly. I am glad to have some answers. To us upon really...
  18. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    Thank you Graciee. Yes the difference is here that it was aspirated, so was found in her trachea, sadly. And that it happened ante-mortem obviously. I'm very grateful of anybody sharing experiences - knowledge is power! There is always something to be learnt from these sad experiences, and...
  19. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    The point is, we don't know when it happened & that's what we're trying to find out. Only that Bea didn't eat at home, and showed no signs at home. The vet said on one breath that they can silently regurgitate, then in the other says you would expect there to be symptoms from this. None at all...
  20. JessBun

    Bea's spay *update she's gone*

    typo Bea died from aspirating the regurgitation Omi, this was stated earlier in the thread, quote from the report posted 'asphyxiation due to aspiration of regurgitated gastric content '