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  1. TeflonsShadow

    Remember me?

    My little helper xx
  2. TeflonsShadow

    For dog lovers, the halfpenny dogs.

    Awww! What is Pepsi?
  3. TeflonsShadow

    Remember me?

    Rimmi and Winter are great but they moved to a friends when I broke up with the ex as the first house was town centre/unsecure courtyard. Now I have a worry of foxes here so I've left them there. I see them weekly (going tomorrow in fact). They love their wendyhouse/run set up and plenty of...
  4. TeflonsShadow

    Remember me?

    At home/experience where-ever poss with the Kennel Club Accredited Instructor Scheme (KCAI).
  5. TeflonsShadow

    Remember me?

    Been a busy few months for me. In Jan 2013, the bf and I split. I moved to Newent into a houseshare that sucked. The commute to the office job was hell. On 3rd May 2013, I was made redundant. That same week I moved to a new house with an amazing garden, still houseshare but amazing. On 17th...
  6. TeflonsShadow

    Dotty did you forget you are a jack russell?

    Super good Dottypants x
  7. TeflonsShadow

    should i be worried ?????

    PLEASE don't start using this dominance crud on your puppy....your dog is NOT a wolf, that is like saying we are chimps. Its just not that simple! Its YOUR sofa so YOU choose if you want your dog on it or not but whatever you decide, be consistant! Research dog clubs, one that uses positive and...
  8. TeflonsShadow

    should i be worried ?????

    Please see;
  9. TeflonsShadow

    My naughty puppy...

    Wow. She looks like a wee grown up lady too. Jin came in on her 6 month bday too. First and last season, bwahaha.
  10. TeflonsShadow

    Puppy!!! U/D- New photos added regularly

    One of Jintys face toys is a rope tuggy type thing from pound land... I call it a spider as it looks a bit like a spider on the end of one bit of web. :p
  11. TeflonsShadow

    Puppy!!! U/D- New photos added regularly

    She is soooooo sweet. Hi Jessie ! :wave::wave:
  12. TeflonsShadow

    24/7 run access??

    I don't use padlocks.... my fence is pretty high, and I have to woof to let me know if anyone/thing is in the garden (which she does!). I wish anyone luck in stealing my two, as you'd need more than one person ... they'd be in whichever bit you arent.... which is seporated by a cat flap. Lol...
  13. TeflonsShadow

    24/7 run access??

    My bunners have a catflap so they have 24/7 access. I guess they'd have the choice in the wild too? As long as their hutch is secure and warm (ie, not too windy with a door left open) then maybe give it a go? :)
  14. TeflonsShadow

    Poppy dogs naughty 'trick'

    Tee hee! Clever girly! My 10.5" JRT wouldn't stand a chance though ;)
  15. TeflonsShadow

    HEAT lamps......

    The heat lamp is attached to the roof of the wendy house, it doesn't get warm or toasty, but it doesnt freeze and thats my intention..... I want the buns to be provided with less of a temperature dip at the colder pointed of the day. They are only small.... I worry about them. They cant get any...
  16. TeflonsShadow

    How have you prepared for WINTER?

    We don't have central heaters.... just gas heaters, which I wouldn't dream of leaving on if I wasn't here..... they have sooooo much more space out there, and better heating than we do! I havent used the heater yet ... we tend to hide under blankets instead as its free!!! :p
  17. TeflonsShadow

    How have you prepared for WINTER?

    What have you done to prepare for Winter?? I've: > Moved the bun house next to the house and secured everything.... to prevent drafts > Ordered more vet bed as this is their flooring of choice > Got plenty of food - 10kg of SS and 15 of Chudleys rabbit royale, as well as plenty of hay so I...
  18. TeflonsShadow

    HEAT lamps......

    Anyone else use one for outdoor buns ?? If so, what bulbs do you use, and how often do you have it on? I have a simple reflector bulb at the moment, it doesn't give off tonnes of heat, the buns have it for 40-60 min in the morning (when I get up at 5:45am til 6:30/7ish) and then again in the...
  19. TeflonsShadow

    How cute is this????

    I know! I feel drawn to him...... I want soooooo bad!
  20. TeflonsShadow

    How cute is this????
