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  1. C

    The name of that rabbit-savvy vet in North London....

    I am going to Medivet in Hendon... fingers crossed
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    The name of that rabbit-savvy vet in North London....

    There was one in north London - I think the woman there did lots of behavioural stuff for rabbits too... I'll try Medivet in Watford...
  3. C

    The name of that rabbit-savvy vet in North London....

    Got up this morning to find Penelope tooth grinding, not eating, not drinking and irritated with her left ear. I want to take her to the vet today but we have just moved to a new place and are not registered with the vet yet. What is the name of that really good vet in North London?
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    Transport needed...

    In fact, if anyone could help getting her to Bristol, Oxford, Reading, Swindon, Bath, I can get to any of those...
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    Transport needed...

    My french lop bun Penelope has been boarding with a friend of mine in Devon near Bude while we have been having multiple house moves. I want to get her to central London to move into our house before Christmas but I have a time/work problem and can't get there. Is it possible several people...
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    Thanks guys. I only just saw all the replies. Still coming to terms with it, feeling a mixture of gratitude for his life and sadness that he is gone. Got his ashes back yesterday, it makes me cry to even think about it at the moment. He was NEVER ill. Never had stasis. he was not one of...
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    Vibes for Buzz/ UD he's gone

    He had a small fit in the car on the way to the vet and died before we got there. Of all the buns he was the healthiest and hardiest... never ill, never needed treatment for anything... he always landed on his paws apart from today. I put him in with Penelope... she sniffed him - his bum...
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    FAREWELL Buzz - the best example of love changing an animal within my lifetime. Rescued from a dump in Abingdon 5 years ago, he scratched and bit and trashed his way into my house and heart. After a year of persistence he turned into the most easy-going, serene animal I have had the pleasure...
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    Vibes for Buzz/ UD he's gone

    Thanks guys. He was the last bun I thought would go - the least sickly, not old, never had a problem or a stomach upset in his life. I just don't know why stasis happened so suddenly. It makes me fear for the other ones and feel like they could just all suddenly go too :( I know that's unlikely...
  10. C

    Vibes for Buzz/ UD he's gone

    He's gone :(
  11. C

    Vibes for Buzz/ UD he's gone

    Buzz has terrible stasis, has gone down rapidly overnight despite syringe feeding and water. Has passed a load if yucky stuff but he will just not eat. I think I am losing him - he has given up. Off to vets again he is floppy and not moving - pretty sure what the options will be. Please send vibes.
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    Ruby cold ears and diarrhea

    Thanks for replying. She is at the vets, being rehydrated. She has never been ill before - always the healthiest of all my buns. Please send her vibes.
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    Ruby cold ears and diarrhea

    I've just gone down to find Ruby with what looks like caecal dysbiosis. Her entire bottom and legs are wet with poo and her eyes are quite dull and her ears are on the cold side (she's not "right.") HOWEVER, she's otherwise perky - digging, nibbling on bits of hay etc. She's not tooth grinding...
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    Cooper the hammy

    I cannot believe Cooper is dead :( Scurry Free Mr Coops! :love:
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    Alfie & Bubbles doing absolutely nothing

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    NIC Cubes

    My ongoing saga in finding these is coming to a climax - where do you get them from and how much do they cost?
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    Best binky shot ever

    Soooo lovely!!! And funny! :love::love::love::love::love:
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    Wesley's abscess update surgery Monday

    poor wesley :( Which vet did you end up seeing at Hooky? Pauline (the wife of the owner) is my regular and she's good with stuff like that.
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    Can anyone bond in the oxfordshire area or within about 45 mins of banbury?

    Yes there are several places - first of all Fat Fluffs in Solihull bond and it isn't that hard to get to them from there ( Or it might be worth calling B.A.R.K.S Banbury and seeing if they can help or know anyone who can? (
  20. C

    Volunteer day at Windwhistle Warren. Sunday 28th August.. 25 challenge points!.

    Theo that's really sweet! I'll be okay, just need a few months to sort things! XXX