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  1. F

    Hard things on left side of body

    Thanks @Orenoko yes he has some electrical warmers and a mini hutch inside to stay warm and he also live in my room so cold temperature is not a problem. Sadly I live in a mini apartment and there’s no garden at all, but rn I already tried to not travel often with Fury. Sure I’ll try to get a...
  2. F

    Hard things on left side of body

    Thanks for your advice @Orenoko . Actually his fur loss is at normal stage since he is molting to adult coat, but he is bald now because the groomer shaved all his fur in the middle of the body. His diet is just hay and pellet, now I also give him critical care and sarx mix to help him gain...
  3. F

    Hard things on left side of body

    Hi everyone! I have a question about my rabbit (Fury, holland lop but with a little fuzzy hair, 3.5 months, male). So he has a lump on the left side of his body in the end of the ribs (part of it still under the ribs), I can feel this thing from top of him and left side if his tummy is in okay...
  4. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    He is eating hay normally and increasing from the first he come but still haven’t reach the target (at first he was 321gr I’m targeting he to eat at least 39gr hay) right now he eat around 11-13 gr hay/day. I think he doesn’t has eating problem just with the weight and cold ear. I’m trying to...
  5. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    He will eat as many pellet as I give him. I’m planning to give him unlimited pellets when he fully transitioned to the healthier one (sherwood) since his old pellet (vita rabbit) contains a lot of soy and grains. Is it okay to wait around 2 weeks more till he fully transitioned to give him...
  6. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    hello again everyone, it’s been a week already. So I have another “problem” with Fury. As I state before he’s weighed around 321gr, I weighed him sometimes but it seems like his weight going up and down? Sometimes he weighed 305, 309, and another time it was 319. The problem is today I weighed...
  7. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    Hi again @Omi thanks for the information! Yes Fury still run and explore everyday, he even climbed to my lap when I sit on the floor xD. His food intake and poop count also increasing. His poop already in good shape but his food intake hasn’t reach the required amount tho. I think he is getting...
  8. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    @bunny momma thank youu ☺️. Yes the poop is crumbly so I think it’s good then. Good to know that those amount and size of poops r okay for him. Sending positive vibes for u n ur bun too!
  9. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    Thank you so much Omi, I weight him yesterday and seems like he’s gaining around 1gr I think that’s great. I give him sherwood sarx yesterday night and this morning, but his poop count seems to be decreasing (around 160 poops). And his poop is still small and some of them around 4-6 is really...
  10. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    Hi everyone thank you for your advice, really appreciate it! @Omi I live in Indonesia and there’s a not much rabbit savvy vet here, mostly in capital city but I live in a small city. I unfortunately already handled Fury a lot since I need to brush him to control his flea and remove his loose...
  11. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    Anw here’s his loafing/hunched position and his newly poop
  12. F

    Newly adopted rabbit strange eating behavior?

    Hi everyone I’m new here and please parson for my bad english as it’s not my main language. So I just adopted Fury an 8 weeks old male bunny 2 days ago. The breeder said he is a holland lop but I believe he is an american fuzzy lop since his coat is a bit fuzzy but his ear fur aren’t. When I...