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  1. stampz

    Bonding single into established group?`

    Morning all, Looking for some advice. We currently have 7 rabbits, a group of 6 who live outside, and a single bun who lives inside. Recently the single house bun as started to become a little destructive, and I am starting to think it is because he may be getting lonely (understandably). For...
  2. stampz

    Clean out day and bunny antics... pic heavy!!!

    This is AWESOME! It looks like he is actually holidng the mug demanding a cuppa!
  3. stampz

    Something that made me smile to myself today

    Was out in the garden with our group of 6 today, going up to them, taking pics, giving them treats, having them come to see what their daddy was doing...and it suddenly struck me how priveliged I am to have been able to gain the trust of these animals that would normally be considered "prey". I...
  4. stampz

    Our group of six enjoying the garden...pic heavy

    Afternoon all, haven't posted any pics for a while, so thought I would have a photo shoot in the garden today with Willow, Weeto, Lola, Mimi, Sasha and Milo...enjoy :D
  5. stampz

    Our newly bonded sixsome! Preview pic...and a story

    Ok, long story short, myself and my furry mob haven't been around for a while due to stuff happening at home. Firstly there was my wedding, so I am now officially a married men, and our 7 buns now have an official mummy and daddy :D Secondly the wifes sister has just got a dog, and asked us to...
  6. stampz

    Best value sack from Dust Free Hay

    Evening all, At the moment I am buying one of the large (£26.99) sacks of stalky hay a month for our 7, which just about lasts...DFH say it weighs in at about 17kg on average. However I am wandering if this is the best kg for £ value I can get from them, I have looked on the site, but they...
  7. stampz

    Pictures of you with your bunnies!

    Me and Bracky chillaxing watching Doctor Who :-)
  8. stampz

    Stair Gate help....

    We brought this stair gate yesterday (>STAIR+GATE.htm) to try to keep Bracky downstairs during the night (as he has a tendancy to chew at the bedroom door when we are asleep). It is half doing it's job as he is unable to...
  9. stampz

    How old are you + bunny update

    I'm 28 and have 6 buns, 5 of my own and a foster. I feel as though I am in the minority on this site though, as I am a man...SHOCK HORROR!
  10. stampz

    Possible problem with wee, advice wanted

    Bump, any more ideas?
  11. stampz

    Possible problem with wee, advice wanted

    I check their under carriages, but nothing looks out of the ordinary :-( Also no dandelions in the garden. They are all still eating and acting as normal, all seem perfectly happy, but still rusty coloured and white coloured wee keeps appearing :(
  12. stampz

    Rehomed: Merlin needs a very understanding home

    He is a very handsome bunny, if I had the room I would take him in an instant. I'm a sucker for a bun who needs some extra time and affection, as Bracky and our new foster Rainbow will attest to
  13. stampz

    Rabbit Savvy Vet in Leamington Spa area

    Great thanks :D Looks like I shall be moving to them then. We were using Feldons in Leamington before, who seem quite good, but I am not sure how specialised they are in Rabbit treatment
  14. stampz

    Possible problem with wee, advice wanted

    Morning all, Hoping someone can help me out here. We have a very happily bonded foursome outside, and all are eating and drinking the same amount as each other (as far as I can tell). They all seem perfectly normal, no sulking everyone running around and binkying....however.... A couple of...
  15. stampz

    Rabbit Savvy Vet in Leamington Spa area

    Morning all, Hoping someone can help me out here, I was fairly happy that my vet was rabbit savvy until recently, and now I am not so sure. Does anyone have any reccomendations for rabbit savvy vets in and around Leamington Spa, obviously the close the better for any emergency visits. Thanks
  16. stampz

    Meet our new foster Rainbow

    Rainbow is GORGEOUS, and is looking for a forever home, and some bunny to love, her details can be found on the FatFluffs website
  17. stampz

    Where is the fooooods!!

    Came in the house earlier, heard a rustling, and discovered this :lol: (sorry for the shakeyness, had to get it quick on my phone)
  18. stampz

    Is it cruel...

    Bracky has free range of the whole house and doesn't go outside. We leave the back door open for him, sometimes I even put him outside for some fresh air, but as soon as I turn by back he goes back inside :) He is constantly bolting around the house and sprinting up and down stairs, so I have...
  19. stampz


    We have a group of 4 in a 7x5 shed with a 4x8 run attached via a cat flap. I think they have plenty of space, and all seem very happy :)
  20. stampz

    Our foursome show their appreciation for Dust Free Hay

    Big thumbs up! :D Stick around till around the 1:10 mark and very cheeky Mimi pops up to say hello