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  1. R

    Some Vets! >:|

    Have had two vets in different areas tell my clients lately that there is no need to vaccinate against RhD2. This was for a rabbit coming in to boarding in a different county to where it lives and another one was told that the RHD2 couldn't be given until after the booster so they didn't have...
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    Was about to ask the same thing?
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    Kara did you get my Pm?
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    Bonding 4 ... again (Update Pics Added)

    I love a success story well done :D
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    Advice needed!!

    I agree with Kosu I never do a slow bond through bars, just straight in to a small neutral space on work from there. I don't like bonding does they are a nightmare, much prefer either a group of bucks or a mixture. So if you have the space and you can afford another rabbit then I'd go with the...
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    The Christmas Bunny on TV (UK CHANNEL 5*)

    I went and looked for it after your post, lovely film, shame about the scruffing though
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    Bonding - mutual grooming - can they be let out to play together?

    Sounds great so pleased it has worked out for you and them :)
  8. R

    Bonding - mutual grooming - can they be let out to play together?

    Ideally no, not if they're not living together Bonding rabbits are best started and carried on which is why people take time of work or do over a long weekend They will get to the point where they are becoming confused as just as they settle and get on with being a couple you take one away...
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    IF your breeding rabbits then you don't need to bond before hand On the day you want to breed the doe goes to the bucks hutch for about 15 mins and is then removed, job done If you've already bred you should know this. I'm not going back over whatever one else has already said even though I...
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    WW: Forage Photo Competition

    Drizzle getting his own
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    Win a Love The Happy Rabbit Gift Box

    Lovage 4 out of the group of 5 boys
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    Bobbie 22nd July 2015

    One of my favorite forum rabbits, she was such a fighter from the time she got out of that hell hole. God bless you little lady go find your children and breathe the fresh air with no more problems. Take care of yourself Jane, you did her proud these last 8 years.
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    Recommend me a vet near Chipping Norton?

    No idea but was in Chipping Norton today for the agility event that's on all weekend
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    How to use cleaning disinfectant?

    Mine is always left to dry as that's what it says to do on the bottle. But then the one I use isn't one bought in a pet shop.
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    New to all this and need help with rescue centres and bonding in Birmingham area.

    I do rabbit bonding see the website or Fb page for details. I'm based in Rugby
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    Allen and page vs excel pellets

    I'm another one for A+P All of my own and the rescues when i was running where on it. Have never had a problem with getting rabbits to eat it or keep condition on, but then mine only get it every other day and have a bowl full of readi grass instead on the other days. I love the smell of it...
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    My new black belgian hare (:

    Tiff it's a thread from 2011, I don't think this poster even comes on here anymore But she said at the start of the thread she got here from a lady called Sarah in Warwickshire who breeds for the money
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    Is it best to separate completely?

    Have they been neutered and how old are they.
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    Sexing adult rabbits

    I agree with Santa That's an un-neutered male
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    look at these pics and tell me....

    Looking at them there I would never ahve known that they weren't already a trio. I'd go for it :D