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  1. B

    Rabbit Boarding North East England

    D&H Holiday Pet Care in Durham looks great. They have Facebook page too.
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    Losing one half of a bonded pair

    Thanks for replying :) I did have a brief look on a couple of rescue websites and they didn't appear to have any older buns and I think a young bouncy bunny would drive Roxy crazy. She is quite fiesty and Oscar was the 2nd bun I tried to bond her with. The 1st boy she hated and I had to return...
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    Losing one half of a bonded pair

    Hi everyone, as per the title, I lost my lovely boy Oscar on Friday. He was almost 10 years old and had been with his wife bun Roxy for 9 years. One of the worst parts of it all for me is seeing Roxy on her own. She seems fine in herself at the minute, she's eating well and hopping about but I...
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    Enlarged Liver/Tumour

    Thank you, yes I feel I might need to discuss further. She was very wobbly last night after the anaesthetic. I hadn't seen her like that before....she has been under twice before and has always recovered well. I personally think they may have discharged her too early but it worried me how out if...
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    Enlarged Liver/Tumour

    Thank you for the replies. Yes Roxy was spayed at 6month old. She is maintaining her weight and has always been around the 2.4kg mark. The vet mentioned an ultrasound yesterday but said it wouldn't give any answers, all it shows is there's something there but not what it is. I did wonder about...
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    Enlarged Liver/Tumour

    Sorry for the long post but just after some advice;) My 8 year old rabbit Roxy has frequently had tummy issues from being a baby. Over the years she has had numerous vet visits for tummy pain/stasis but there have also been occasions where I have caught it early and given her pain relief at home...
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    Dental Question

    Aww bless them, they're such a worry at times :(
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    Dental Question

    Yeah it really isn't very clear is it:? I've always been told she has perfect teeth and they were last checked in January with no issues so not sure where this has come from. If it needs doing I'll do it for her regardless of whether it's covered or not, just wondered if I needed to start saving :(
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    Dental Question

    Upon recent examination for other issues (arthritis, UTI, stasis) my vet pointed out my 6 year old bunny might need to go under GA and have her teeth examined. She said she has a small misalignment on one side but it isn't a spur and she doesn't think it's causing her current issues. I didn't...
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    Sneezing/snoring advice

    This sounds exactly like my bunny Oscar. He's 5 year old and has snored and grunted in his sleep since he was a baby. Since September last year he has been making occasional nasal noises and sneezing on and off. I've had him to my rabbit savvy vet a couple of times and she is of the opinion to...
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    U/D Vibes for Henry please -New 6th FebU/D after vet

    Does Henry like basil leaves? I have finally had some success in treating my bunny who is on a small daily dose of Metacam....she loves basil leaves and as they smell quite strong I think they must disguise the smell of the metacam as she happily eats a basil leaf folded up with metacam inside :)
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    U/D Vibes for Henry please -New 6th FebU/D after vet

    You've probably already thought of this but just wondering if his claws have been checked? I have been at the vet tonight with my girl bun as she has been a bit lame the last couple of days, favouring her left paw over her right and tucking it under her body...turns out she had ripped her dew...
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    Tips for medicating a stubborn little bunny!

    Haha I can't say I've tasted it but I believe you :lol: I did wonder if I spiked her food and left it to soak whether the drug would still be effective so I will try that too. I've been to buy some baby food so will try her on that to tonight. She quite happily let's the vet do it to her, the...
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    Tips for medicating a stubborn little bunny!

    Thanks Zoobec, I will certainly give that a try :D
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    Tips for medicating a stubborn little bunny!

    Yes i get a foot flick too :roll: I tried to give her it on a piece of cucumber earlier, she ignored it then her husbunny came along and wolfed it down...she then spent a few minutes licking the floor where it had been :shock: I think she just likes to give me the runaround!
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    Tips for medicating a stubborn little bunny!

    Thanks guys, I have a little routine where I get prepared and I use a towel to wrap her in, it's as if she knows what's coming next and tries her best to escape from me....i'm hoping as it becomes more familiar to her that she might take it more willingly! I hope your Henry is better soon Craig...
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    Dennis has arthritis?

    My 5 and half year old bunny has just been diagnosed with slight arthritis in her back. I noticed she was quiet some days and sometimes sat hunched as if she was in pain, she also had a couple of water infections recently which the vet thinks is down to her finding painful to fully empty her...
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    Tips for medicating a stubborn little bunny!

    Just wondering if anyone has any tips for medicating a rabbit. My 5 year old girl Roxy has been diagnosed with slight arthritis in her back and has a daily dose of Metacam. I would love to be able to give it to her without having to pick her up and wrestle with her but she will not have it. I've...
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    Recommendations for a pet camera (indoor use)

    This is the one I got from Amazon and I highly recommend it. It was only £20 and although it is currently out of stock I'm sure they have many similar ones. It was so easy to set up and connect to the Wi-Fi using the instructions even for someone not technically minded like me! I love to see...
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    Spencer again

    I am so sorry you lost your bunnies. This is appalling that this has even been allowed to happen, everyone makes mistakes but the so called professionals that are supposedly qualified to care for our furry friends then try to brush it under the carpet should be made to face up to their actions...