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  1. S

    Who cuddles there bunnies?

    I do! Churro loves his cuddles, sometimes he sits on my lap while I'm working :love:
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    Hands up

    I do!!! I have this document on my laptop that’s called something like how to speak rabbit, and I do all of it :lol:
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    Are there any bunnies you wish in hindsight you'd adopted, but didn't

    Yes! When I was living in the U.S. I was volunteering at a rescue and I fell in love with a bunny called Alfie. I was so crazy in love with him. Me and all the other volunteers put so much effort into trying to bond him with Binky, but I knew going into it that numerous previous bonding attempts...
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    What's your bunny's favourite (type of) toy?

    Churro loves a paper bag filled with hay and dried flowers. And his tunnel. He’s been working on digging a very important tunnel for a while now :lol: he goes into his toy tunnel and just digs on a blanket at the other end.
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    Bailey has died

    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry :cry: Sending lots of love your way xxx
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    Insulating/weatherproofing pet carriers

    The camping blanket and stroller hook plan has worked really well. Just wanted to update in case anyone else dealing with similar temperatures ever searches for ideas in the future. It’s so easy to wrap it up and still use the handles, and also to unclip the blanket easily to strap the carrier...
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    Insulating/weatherproofing pet carriers

    I dropped our ice skates into an outdoor store for sharpening this morning and noticed camping blankets while I was leaving, they have little loops on each corner. They didn't have anything that's as warm as I want, but googled as soon as I got home and I have just ordered an insulated blanket...
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    Insulating/weatherproofing pet carriers

    Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the replies! I don't think I could keep him warm by only putting blankets inside, to completely block the cold I think I would need to stuff the carrier so much with bulky blankets it would feel like a suffocation risk. It's not just the cold, the wind...
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    Insulating/weatherproofing pet carriers

    I just wondered if anyone has any good ideas for like weather proofing a pet carrier. Or can recommend anything they have had success using as a cover. My poor little bunny is on weekly vet visits at the moment :cry: and I’m ok with keeping him warm inside his pet carrier too and from the vet...
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    Catching a loose bunny

    Yesterday on the way to daycare I saw a woman feeding a beautiful grey lion head like out in the street. Was kinda like do you need help catching your bunny and she said it’s just a neighbourhood bunny that has been loose since the winter. Apparently the entire street have been putting out food...
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    House bunny set ups

    I’ve not seen that, but plastic is a no go here :lol: Churro eats it. I’ve just had to replace one of my sons dolls because he got hold of it and chewed a hole in its head :shock: I don’t know what it is about plastic but he just goes at it. Wood he tends to leave alone surprisingly. I just...
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    House bunny set ups

    I’ve been wondering able yet something like that too. I was thinking even like a little wooden kids step or stool covered. It needs to be sturdy enough and solid on the top so he can sit up there. I’m gonna keep looking. Those lack tables are exactly what he has. He has two of them next to...
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    House bunny set ups

    I would be really interested in seeing pics of buns indoor set ups if anyone would like to share! I’m trying to decide on an option for like a bunnies ‘safe space’ atm. We currently have two of those really cheap ikea tables next to each other, with small rugs draped over them to provide a...
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    Cookie's new poses

    Too cute!
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    Big is Beautiful

  16. S

    My first two house bunnies

    :love: :love: :love: Awwww! I love looking at old pics of my bunnies
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    Rabbits Moving Home

    Good luck with the move! How exciting! I’ve done similar a few times, I posted on the car travel thread the other day, not sure if any of that is of help to you :wave: Car journeys I try to just keep the carrier as shaded as I can, something familiar inside like a blanket that smells of home...
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    Car travel

    No worries and good luck!
  19. S

    Car travel

    Definitely just double check the rules for each country, I emailed the relevant government departments for each country we travelled through and honestly they all responded quickly and were super helpful. I didn’t end up travelling too far through Europe in the end, but I initially planned to...
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    Re; Taking a break

    Thinking of you Craig, lots of love and we are always here if you need us xxx