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  1. C

    we are getting a threesome

    i mis read the title i thought it said we are having a threesome. :lol::lol::lol:
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    I dont know how it happened, i feel so bad.

    i dont know some people should not have rabbits i bet the male rabbit is still in with the female rabbit who will probably be pregnant again some people. :censored::censored::censored::censored: :lol::lol::lol:
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    rabbit breeding

    how did you know it was an april fool. :lol::lol::lol:
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    rabbit breeding

    i have decided i'm going to start breeding rabbits.
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    Baby Bunnies!

    Aww how cute.
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    sorry just being nosey. :):wave:
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    An afternoon nap

    it looks like someones been destroying the chair.
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    Our babies getting to know each other

    aww there lovely. which one of them smokes theres alot of used fags ends and matches there.
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    Got my hair cut!

    you look fantastic pet.
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    Spike and Kiki

    trust jane to think of bunny porn. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Yum! Nice fresh hay!!

    aww lovely
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    Prom Photos! U/D another pic added pg 3 :p

    You look beautiful really stunning.
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    True Adoration!

    aww lovely becki
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    Bonding Help Needed – Any Rescues in North-East?
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    LARGE OUTDOOR HUTCH- you must be kidding!

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    LARGE OUTDOOR HUTCH- you must be kidding!

    wow thats the biggest hutch i've ever seen. NOT. :evil: just evil putting a bun or a pig in that.
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    Rare striped rabbit!

    i think it is times like this when breeding is the right thing to do to stop rare breeds dieing out.
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    i could cry....

    can we have pics please
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    aww baby rabbit feeding

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    Hee hee!! Bunny Pile up!

    aww loved up buns. sue can we have some more pics of your buns specialy sweep